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Above is an image of how I think Zhou Mei Ling looks...i couldn't find one with shoulder length hair.....so yeah...here you go.
.....002 Night....

Embarrassed and humiliated Ruka was quick to school her expression as to not give any of her thoughts away. For Ruka, Mei Ling's change in attitude was something Kaname must be unaware of, therefore the chance that once aware Kaname would abandon her (Mei Ling) was high.

Ruka's thoughts however were seen though by Mei Ling. One does not grow up in a imperial palace and not learn how to read both verbal and nonverbal cues unless one is to be used. In fact living in such an environment meant that Mei Ling tented to see the worst in people and not the best resulting in oppressive situations for all those involved. Mei Ling also had a bad habit, atleast according to her Grandparents, messing with people's feelings.

Changing her haughty expression to one of 'a person being wronged' she said in a pleading voice..."Souen-San I hope you can please forgive Kaname. I also hoped you would forgive me for the part I played in your imprisonment. I....iii...I'll bow for you Souen-San just please don't blame Kaname, you can blame me." At the end of saying that Mei Ling's voice cracked, her eyes blinking 4 to 5 tears fall out. Grabbing Ruka's hand she spoke intimately her voice shaking and she was trembling looking to the world like a person who could be easily carried by the wind.

Ruka upon feeling Mei Ling grab her hand was firstly shocked and froze then yanked her hand out causing Mei Ling to take a few steps backwards. Mei Ling's eyes reddened further and she bit her lip.

"Sou...." Mei Ling's voice called out softly but was interrupted by Kaname hard steel like voice. "Ruka." The look in Kaname's eyes said it all he was blaming Ruka for bullying his mate.

"Kaname." Mei Ling's voice cracked,her red eyes looking between Kaname and Ruka. "How did your meeting with the chairman go?" Mei Ling spoke in her usual airy voice but the unlined grief was ever present and thus reignited his temper.

"What did you do Ruka?" Kaname's cold voice called out as he made his way to Mei Ling. Taking her into his arms he gently patted her hair down. Ruka opened her mouth to defend herself but was blocked by non other than Mei Ling.

"Kaname it's not what you think, Souen-San and I were just discussing the Day Class Students. The fault lies with me for getting too familiar with Souen-San, I mean she should be resting but I thought to run my idea passed her. Please forgive her for me." Mei Ling's voice called from Kaname's side were he had buried her head in his jacket.

The helplessness in her voice caused Kaname's eyes to soften slightly. "My love, why bother with the Trash?" Ruka's heart was hurt. Kaname's voice when speaking to Mei Ling was indulging and helplessness his eyes soft and only reflecting Mei Ling.

Mei Ling unbeknown to Ruka was smiling. Her explaining what happened to Kaname put Ruka in a bad light in Kaname's eyes. The fact that he heard her ask for forgiveness but was 'Physically Rejected' meant that Ruka's place on Kaname's shut list went up a bit.

Acting cute she pouted and said in a pleading voice..."Please don't call Souen-San Trash. I'll be mad at you and not speak to you." Mei Ling said as she was playing with his fingers. Kaname smiled and kissed her nose staring deeply into her eyes as to tell her with his eyes why she couldn't avoid him or be mad at him.

Mei Ling's face flushed red at the deeper look in Kaname's eyes. Feeling shy because of it she looked away from him towards Ruka were she allowed her expression to crumble. In Kaname's eyes the reason for this is Ruka. Add that anger he felt before with his Mateship possessive and obsessive feelings of 'Everything she does is right' and you have one furious Kaname Kuran.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2019 ⏰

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