Chapter 2

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Shuichi had his orchestra class right after lunch, so he left in that direction. He waved goodbye to Kaito and Kaede, who left in the opposite direction. Kokichi and Rantaro, however, followed Shuichi.

"Ah... what class are you going to?" Shuichi asked.

"I'm going to general music," Kokichi said.

"I'm going to Art," Rantaro told him. "How about you?"

"Orchestra," Shuichi replied.

"Wow, really-? I'm in orchestra too! What do you play?" Kokichi exclaimed in awe.

Before replying, Shuichi thought about what the dictator had said. It didn't seem to add up. If Kokichi had general music, why does he also have orchestra? No students take general music and orchestra in the same year. You can only take one or the other. Which also meant...

"You're lying, aren't you?" Shuichi said as he narrowed his eyes.

Kokichi widened his eyes for moment, then said, "Wow! I didn't think you'd know!"

"Oh, c'mon, Kokichi. Stop assuming everyone's stupid. It's not even possible to take orchestra and general music at the same time," Rantaro sighed.

"Then why didn't you say anything, huh?" Kokichi said.

"I thought it was obvious enough," Rantaro shrugged. "So, do you play violin, or viola?" he asked Shuichi, glancing at the violin (or viola) shaped case he was holding in his right arm.

"Violin," Shuichi replied.

"That's pretty cool. One of my sisters plays violin. She said the two directors of the orchestra are very nice, so I'm sure you'll be fine."

"How many sisters do you even have, Rantaro?" Kokichi laughed. Before Rantaro could respond, the three reached another bend, Shuichi went left to orchestra and Kokichi and Rantaro went left to general music and art.

"Bye!" Shuichi called out just as he turned away. They didn't reply, so Shuichi got nervous that they didn't hear him. He thought of saying bye again, but that felt pretty stupid, so he didn't.

He arrived at the orchestra room just as the bell rang. There were at least 35 other people in the big room and a lot of chairs. Shuichi didn't know where to sit. In most orchestras, violin players sat left of the conductor, so he gazed at the seats in that direction. He didn't have enough courage to sit up front, so he took a seat in the middle and set his case down.

Shuichi glanced at his stand partner (the person next to him) and couldn't help but notice he looked very... robotic. His hands looked like it was made of some kind of machinery. Shuichi didn't dare ask, but he was still very curious. Everyone was talking to one another, but Shuichi had no one to talk to.

There were two directors, both of them women. The stood on the conductor's podium, and after a few moments, everyone quieted down. The director said, "Hey guys! I'm Ms. Hanamoto! New year, am I right?"

Many of the students groaned out some type of yes. "So... we have a lot of new students..."
Shuichi looked at the ground. He hoped he wouldn't have to introduce himself in front of the class just because he was new. The teacher/director continued.

"Many juniors are here as well and are taking this as an honors class. I'd like you to introduce yourself to your stand partner. You're going to be sitting next to them for some time, so I think you should get to know them!"

Shuichi let out a restricted groan. It was better then introducing himself to the entire class, but still. The robot looking person turned to him and stammered, "M-My name is Kiibo..."

"I'm S-Shuichi Saihara," the other said. He didn't know what to say next, so he just stared at the carpet. The teacher said to only introduce themselves, after all.

"Are you- Are you friends with Kokichi? I saw you at lunch with him..." Kiibo asked Shuichi. The detective raised his head and glanced at Kiibo's bright blue eyes. He must have been staring for long, because Kiibo's eyes widened and he said, "S-Sorry! Was that too personal? It might sound like I'm stalking you, but that's not the case!"

"No... ah, sorry." Shuichi hesitated and considered the question Kiibo was asking. Was he friends with Kokichi? It's only his first day, so Shuichi wasn't sure. "I-I guess I'm friends with him?"

"Oh... so you are friends with him," Kiibo said.

Curious, Shuichi had to say something. "You're saying that like it's a bad thing."

"W-Well... I used to be friends with him, but he always teases me a bunch, so I don't really like him," Kiibo explained.

"Teased you?" Shuichi did remember Kokichi argued with Kaito a lot, but that seemed more playful then anything else. "For what?"

"Well... he always wants to examine me because I'm a robot, and he thinks that I'm not as capable just because of th-" Kiibo got cut off after the director stood on the podium. The rest of orchestra class went by, and the two didn't get a chance to speak again. Shuichi was really confused, though? How was Kiibo a robot? He couldn't even tell, and wasn't sure if the guy had told the truth. Shuichi wanted to ask about it later after class ended, but when the bell rang, Kiibo had left in the opposite direction.

Shuichi glanced at his schedule to see what he had next. It was Science. He groaned and headed his way upstairs, gazing at all the rooms to make sure he was going into the right one. As he entered the room, he took a seat near the middle, getting out a book in the process as he read silently before class started. However, Shuichi was interrupted by a tap on the shoulder. He turned in annoyance, but softened a bit, realizing it was Kokichi.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Oh, nothing! I'm just glad I have this class with you, nishishi." Kokichi gave the other a huge grin. Shuchi was about to turn away, but he remembered he was going to ask Kokichi about Kiibo.

"By the way, um, do you know a student named Kiibo?" Shuchi asked.

"Kiibo? Nope, never heard of him! You probably got the wrong person," Kokichi shrugged as he got his planner out to copy the events on the board.

"But he said he knows you. Are you sure?" Right as Shuichi finished, he realised why Kokichi said what he said. "Wait. You're... you're lying, aren't you?"

"No, I actually don't know who he is," Kokichi looked at Shuichi. "Stop pestering me."

"No wonder Kiibo doesn't like you," Shuichi muttered, not intending Kokichi to hear that. Kokichi wasn't sure what to say in response, and it was already too late. Shuichi had opened up his book again and continued to read.

So I think I'll start updating every Wednesday. Hope the story's good so far!

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