Chapter 5

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Shuichi already had a project, a test on Friday and plans with Kokichi Tuesday evening.

And, to top it all off, he had to write an essay due tomorrow.

"Sounds fun," Rantaro said as Shuichi finished explaining how busy he already was. The two were heading to Language Arts, which wasn't either of their favorite class, but hey. It could be worse.

Shuichi groaned, which was quite unlike him in Rantaro's eyes. He thought Shuichi was this studious person by his usual demeanour and his uncle's position.

"What are you doing with Kokichi?" Rantaro asked, a bit curious.

"Well... ah," Shuichi hesitated. "I'm not really sure yet. Not at my house though. I-I'm still pretty new to this place, so I don't know my way around here properly yet anyway." He laughed nervously as he finished.

"You guys should go to Froyo Ma!" Rantaro exclaimed. "It's a great froyo place."

"Froyo...?" Shuichi said. He wasn't sure if he should be eating a lot of sweet food. His uncle always said it was bad... "Maybe."

The two arrived in the classroom just in time. Kaede had already arrived and grinned as she waved in their direction. Shuichi and Rantaro walked over to her as she said, "Here, I saved seats for you two!" Kaede gestured to the two empty seats to the left of her.

"Ah, t-thanks..." Shuichi stammered. He took the seat next to her, and Rantaro sat next to Shuichi.

The teacher explained a project that was going on. It was a group project, and Shuichi was in a group with Rantaro and Kaede. The trio worked on a lot of it in class, but they weren't able to finish. Rantaro let out a sigh as he looked over what they had so far. "We'll have to work on this after school today to have enough for tomorrow."

"Oh, right..." Shuichi muttered.

"We should meet up!" Kaede chirped. She made it sound like a good thing.

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking," Rantaro replied. "My house is pretty big, so I think—"

"Oh, c'mon, you don't need to brag about being rich!" Kaede said in annoyance. "Besides, last time I went to your house, I couldn't focus at all because of all your sisters."

"Y-You're rich!?" Shuichi said in surprise.

"Well... I wouldn't say rich..." Rantaro hesitated before Kaede gave him a look.

"Whatever. We should do it at my house anyway, if that's okay with you," Kaede said. Shuichi and Rantaro nodded.

"What time should we do it?" Shuichi asked.

"Eh, I don't know. Sometime after school." Rantaro shrugged just as the bell rang.

Shuichi's last few classes went by quite fast. He pulled out his phone during dismissal, only to see a text reflecting back into his eyes. A text from Kokichi.

Kokichi: We still on for tonight??

Shuichi glanced at the text for a few seconds in confusion, when he realized what Kokichi meant.


He forgot about his plans with Kokichi. But he was also supposed to work on the project at Kaede's house. They had discussed that Kaede would pick Shuichi up and Rantaro would come a bit later.

And Shuichi had agreed to the entire thing, evidentially forgetting that he was supposed to spend the day with Kokichi.

This wasn't supposed to happen.

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