Chapter 6

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Kokichi: Ok good lmao
Kokichi: So you mind if I come to your house to pick you up?
Kokichi: Heyyy ya still there?
Kokichi: Whatever lol ur just messing with me i'm coming anyway

Damn it.

Shuichi thought not responding to the liar would stop him, and that way they could call off plans, but it only added fuel to him. If Kokichi did come to his house, Shuichi couldn't escape the situation.

Unless... he left the house.

No, that's not right... Shuichi thought. I couldn't do something like that.

So he ended up staying at his house.

But he ended up staying under the table, with his head tucked into his hands, dreading the moment Kokichi would ring his doorbell and he'd have to open it and pretend like everything was fine even though he was neglecting a school project and Kaede would be mad and so would Rantaro and he'd be back to having no friends to care, nobody and he'd be. All. Alone.

And he couldn't be alone. Not again. Not when he already had a new start at a new school and—

He heard the doorbell ring. And Shuichi could definitely spot the purple mass of hair that was awaiting him to open it. He didn't answer, hoping that would stop him.

The doorbell rang again. He could hear a muffled "Hello?" from outside. Shuichi waited.

There was no more sound.

But if Kokichi wasn't ringing the doorbell, why was he still at the door? Shuichi looked every few seconds, wondering if he would hear another ring. He still didn't. Maybe Kokichi had left?

Shuichi stood up and just then the door opened. His eyes widened as suddenly Kokichi entered his house, even thought he was sure he had locked the door and everything. "H-How...?" Shuichi was speechless.

"Nishishi..." Kokichi laughed. "I can't believe you thought locking the door would stop me."

"But... did you..? Did you pick the lock?" Shuichi asked on astonishment.

"Yep yep yeppers! You got it!" Kokichi exclaimed.

"Wow... um..." Shuichi didn't know how to respond. A beep from his phone interrupted the silence between the two of them. Shuichi didn't have to look to know it was Kaede. Now he'd have to explain the situation to Kokichi. Great.

"So, do you wanna go anywhere? My car's parked right out there," Kokichi said.

"Uh... I have plans with Kaede and Rantaro. Sorry," Shuichi confessed. He regretted telling Kokichi this far into it, but there's nothing he could do now anyway.

"Ooh! A threesome?" Kokichi joked.

"W-What the hell!? No..?" Shuichi exclaimed. "What kind of person do you think I am?"

"Nishishi! You know I was just kidding, right?"

"Yeah, but still..." Shuichi trailed off. "The three of us are just meeting up at Kaede's house to work on a project."

"And you're saying I can't go with you?" Kokichi pouted. "What a meanie."

"Funny for you to say that," Shuichi muttered, getting annoyed at the dictator.

"H-Hey... are you calling me a meanie now? Just because you can't come?" Kokichi stammered. His tone was shaky, and when Shuichi turned to him, he saw tears in Kokichi's purple eyes.


"A-All I wanted w-was to spend some time with you, but you took advantage. W-Why? Why does this always happen to m-me?" Kokichi broke off his gaze with the detective.

On the other hand, Shuichi wasn't sure whether to believe the liar. It wasn't that hard. He was related to a detective for a reason, right? But every time Shuichi was starting to consider the facts, all he could see was Kokichi.

In that alley. Sobbing into his hands.

Shuichi felt bad for Kokichi. Maybe he could compromise. But now all he could hear was his uncle's voice. His uncle had always said compromises were bad. Either the other person should agree with the original plan or there should be no deal at all. However, Shuichi was pretty sure that didn't apply to friends. But then again, Shuichi never really had any proper friends, so how was he supposed to know?

Kokichi's soft sniffles brought Shuichi back to reality. "P-Please...?

Ugh. Shuichi couldn't handle this. "Fine! Okay. I'll go with you, but we'll have to spend the day with Kaede."

Suddenly the sniffing went away. "Really?" Kokichi exclaimed.

"Um, yeah. I'm glad you're better." It seemed a bit fake, but Shuichi didn't want to call Kokichi out for it.

"So let's get in my car then! Yay!" Kokichi dashed out the door.

"W-Wait!" Shuichi smiled as he quickly gathered his things. He followed the purple-haired male down the lawn and into Kokichi's small dark blue car.

As he went inside the passenger seat Shuichi was overwhelmed by a lot of purple. There was this purple fizzy drink laying in every cup holder the car had. There was also a purple bag of some grape flavoured candy. "What's all this?" he asked, pointing to the soda.

"This?" Kokichi looked at where Shuichi was pointing. "Nishishi! It's Panta! I looooove Panta, by the way~"


"Yeah, I know I'm weird. But it tastes good!" Kokichi replied to Shuichi's hesitation.

"A-Actually, I was going to ask, what's Panta?"

Kokichi stared at the detective. "Are you okay?"

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