Chapter Three

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A Month Later

"Hey, Jo, when ya marrying me?"

Josie smirked as she poured another beer and handed it to the waitress. She shook her head as she turned to her admirer, Elroy.

"Now, Elroy, what would Myrtle think? You've been married how long?"

Elroy grinned and held his beer up in a toast to his wife. "Forty years, little girl. Forty wonderful years."

Josie shook her head and held up a bottle of beer, causing everyone sitting at the bar to do the same. "To Myrtle! For putting up with Elroy's crazy ass for forty years!"

Everyone laughed and patted Elroy on the back as a new voice spoke up, causing Josie to turn in surprise. "Well, if this ain't some kind of crazy coincidence, I don't know what is, doll."

Josie grinned as she saw the three men that were with Happy and another blond man that she had never seen. "Sweet pea's friends! What can I get for you boys?"

As they took the open seats at the bar, the one that had spoken first answered. "Whatever you got on tap is fine, sweetheart." 

The blond spoke up next, looking confused. "Sweet pea?"

Josie chuckled and winked at him as he smirked back. "How is Mr. Lowman these days?"

The black haired man chuckled. "He's good, doll. Been busy though." He pointed to himself. "My name's Tig, this is Bobby, Chibs and Jax."

Josie nodded. "Josie. Nice to meet you." She lifted a brow as she sat four beer mugs in front of them. "A little out of your area, aren't you? I thought Happy said you were from Charming."

The one Tig had called Bobby nodded. "Yeah, we had a run up north and were on our way back home. Thought we'd stop and get a drink before continuing on." He lifted his beer and winked at her. "You're a nice surprise, sweetheart."

She chuckled and nodded. "I'm beginning to think every one of you boys are charmers."

Jax smirked. "Shit, we haven't even gotten warmed up yet, darlin'."

Josie laughed as Mary, the waitress walked up with another order. She was busy with that for a few minutes and when she turned back to the men, she found all of them watching her closely. She lifted a brow. "Am I that interesting?"

Bobby laughed as Chibs shook his head. "Nah, darlin', we're just wondering what you're doing here on a Friday night. I thought you were a farmer."

Josie grinned as she hooked a thumb to where an older man was sitting on a stool at the end of the bar. "My cousin Levi owns this place. I help him out on the weekends."

Tig nodded as he sipped his beer. "You really don't have a man?"

Josie put her hands on her hips and eyed the men in front of her, all of whom had innocent looks on their faces. "This is starting to feel a lot like Twenty Questions and I really don't like party games."

Chibs, who had been quiet until now, grinned and nodded. "Aye, we're sorry for that, darlin'. We just want to know more about ye, that's all."

Josie nodded and leaned on the bar in front of them. "Ok, fine. No, I don't have a man. Am I supposed to have one just because I'm a woman?"

Chibs grinned. "Nah, I suppose ye could like women. Is there an old lady around somewhere?"

The other men grinned as Josie chuckled and shook her head. "Nope, although I don't discriminate."

It took them a moment to get it, Tig being the first to grin like an idiot. "Damn, doll, I'm liking you more every second."

Bobby shot him a look and shook his head. "Down boy. She's not for you."

Before Josie could ask what he meant, Levi was calling her name. She excused herself and walked over to her cousin. "What's up, Lee?"

He grinned at her and motioned around the room. "We're slowing down if you wanna head out for the night."

Josie nodded. "Sounds good. I'll see you next week."

He nodded and she went back over to the guys. "I'm out of here for the night, gentlemen. Have a good one and ride safe, ok?"

Tig frowned and held out a hand to her as she walked around the bar. "Hey, wait. If you're off for the night, why don't you come back with us? We have a party going on tonight at the clubhouse."

Josie grinned. "You want me to drive all the way to Charming, party with all of you, then drive back home?" She shook her head. "I turn into a pumpkin at midnight."

Tig snickered. "You can always just spend the night. I'm sure one of us would share a bed with you. I mean, I wouldn't mind... "

Bobby smacked Tig in the back of the head and shook his. "The girl said no, Tiggy. Leave it."

Josie grinned at their antics. "Maybe next time, ok? You make sure and tell sweet pea I said hello, alright?"

They all nodded and said goodnight and she walked out of the bar into the quiet night. She leaned against her truck and stared up at the sky, wondering in a fit of whimsy if Happy was staring at the same stars in Charming. She shook her head at herself and got in the truck, starting it up and backing out of the lot. She hadn't heard from him in a month, so it was a pretty good bet that he wasn't spending much time thinking about her. Hell, for all she knew, he had a wife and kids stashed away in a cute little ranch in Charming.

She'd been using his memory to keep herself from feeling lonely, but she knew that she needed to let that go. She wasn't Cinderella and he wasn't Prince Charming. He wasn't interested in what she had to offer, plain and simple.

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