Chapter Fourteen

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One Week Later

Josie let her eyes open slowly, stretching as a small moan left her lips. She felt a weight holding her down but she wasn't complaining as Happy left kisses up and down her spine. The last week had been interesting in the fact that she and Happy had gotten a lot closer, which was inevitable since she never left his sight. He hadn't been an ass about it though, and she'd found it kind of cute how possessive he was when it came to her. 

She gasped and lost her train of thought when Happy bit her on the neck and chuckled. "Morning, baby."

She giggled as he moved against her and she could feel the evidence of his interest against the back of her thigh as she arched against him. He groaned in her ear, making her giggle more. "Good morning, Hap. Someone's a little excited this morning."

Happy hummed in agreement as she shifted against him. "Well, there's this hot chick that keeps waking up naked in my bed. What do you think I should do about that?"

As he slowly worked on leaving marks up and down her neck, she chuckled. "Well, if I were Tig, I'd tell you to fuck her until you get tired of her."

She felt his hands on her hips, lifting her ass in the air a little as he chuckled. "I think I agree with that." She moaned loudly as he slid into her from behind and slapped her on the ass. "But... fuck, Jo! I'm never getting tired of you."

The time for talking ended as they both fell into the now-familiar rhythm of making love with each other. In the short amount of time that they had been intimate, Happy had managed to learn all of her secrets, and she knew his. He knew just how to move to make her scream his name, and she knew his tells as well. The tick in his jaw as he clenched it whenever she took him into her mouth and the way that she clenched around him as she rode him drove him to an almost animalistic level.

As they lay entwined together in the afterglow, Josie lazily ran a hand up and down his chest as his hand drew circles on her hip. He squeezed her close then sighed as he reached over to the table beside the bed and grabbed a cigarette out of the pack laying there.

"We got a meeting in Oakland today, so I'm gonna need you to stay here until we're back."

Josie sighed as she snuggled closer to his body heat. "I was going to go look at that farm with Elliott today."

Happy was quiet for a moment before finally nodding. "Okay, but you stay with him the entire time."

Josie rolled her eyes playfully before leaning in to kiss him. "Yes, sir."

Happy smirked. "Keep being a smartass and I'll have you screaming, "Yes, Daddy" later tonight."

Josie snorted as she took the cigarette out of his hand. "Wouldn't be the first time."


Gemma crossed her arms over her chest and glared at the woman in front of her as Elliott and Tom Reynolds looked on. "Hap never said anything about you leaving with this guy, only Elliott."

Josie rolled her eyes at the biker queen. "I'll be with Elliott, Gem. Tom wants to discuss some loan opportunities so we're going to go to the house and talk then we'll come back here and look at the farm."

Elliott grinned at Gemma. "Honestly, Gemma, she'll be with me the whole time."

Gemma finally sighed and shook her head. "Fine, but I want you to text me every hour."

Josie grinned and saluted the other woman as they started for the door. "Yes, mother dear."

Gemma grinned and shook her head as she picked up her phone to send Happy a text. "Smartass."


Happy growled as he read the text from Gemma before pressing a button and waiting on her to pick up. When she did, he skipped the niceties and got to the meat of the conversation.

"What the hell do you mean she left with Elliott and Tom? That wasn't what I said she could do!"

"I don't know what to tell you, Hap, but Elliott said he'd be with her the whole time."

Happy cursed under his breath as Tig and Jax came to stand next to him, both looking curious. "Shit! Where did they say they were going?"

"To Hopewell, to the house then back here to look at that farm. I told her to text me every hour."

Happy nodded. "Okay, keep me posted if you hear anything from her."

He hung up and looked at Tig and Jax as he shook his head. "Jo's with Oswald and that Tom asshole."

Jax shook his head. "Man, Juice didn't find anything on him. He's clean."

Happy nodded. "I know but my gut tells me something's hinky about him. I mean, he had a thing for her when they were in school and the way he talked that night at the bar, he still does. He moved to Hopewell after Josie did and when she told him that she might be moving back to Charming, he was pissed." He looked at Tig who was nodding. "I just know that my gut says it's him."

Tig sighed as he lit a cigarette. "Yeah, but you said Oswald's with them. He won't let anything happen to Jo."

Happy scoffed. "Elliott's not a fighter, man. He might try to protect her, but when it comes down to it if this guy's batshit crazy, Oswald won't be able to handle him."

Jax nodded as he slapped Happy on the shoulder. "Okay, let's wrap this shit up here then we'll head to Hopewell. I've never known your gut to be wrong."

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