Chapter Ten

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"Have you lost what little sense you had?" Elliott shook his head as he waved a hand at her. "You're even dressing like them!"

Josie's brow shot up as she looked down at her clothes: faded denim jeans, a black tank top with a blue and black flannel over top of it, and her Doc Martens on her feet. She tilted her head at her brother. "I've always dressed this way, Eli. Jesus, you act like this is the first time you've ever looked at me! You know I was never one for pearl necklaces and sweater sets, and I sure as hell don't spend thousands on a pair of Louboutins like that succubus you call a wife!"

Elliott sighed and slumped against the wall. "Do you even know anything about him? He's dangerous, Jo. I know what he's capable of and some of the things that he and his club have done."

Josie shook her head, her anger mounting with every word coming out of his mouth. She thought back to that first night, finding Happy blood-covered and injured in her driveway. 

"Do I know what you do? Probably not, but I know enough and if he wants to tell me the rest, then he will, in his own time, not yours." She shook her head and laughed humorlessly. "You're such a fucking hypocrite! Happy and his club are good enough to do your dirty work but he isn't good enough to date your sister?"

Elliott shook his head and blew out a breath as he stared at the wall beside her head. He had pulled her into a vacant waiting room, leaving Happy and Karen out in the hallway so they could speak privately. She really hoped that Happy was making the other woman incredibly uncomfortable.

"I just... Jerry wouldn't want this life for you, Jo."

She shook her head. "Don't drag Jerry into this, Eli! He's dead, and I'm pretty sure that he would want me to move on with my life and not wallow in misery!" She shook her head. "Happy's a good man." Elliott scoffed and she raised a hand. "He is! He may not be mayor material, but he's a damn good man, and I'll not stand here and listen to you talk about him like he's no better than the dirt on your shoe!"

Elliott held up both hands in surrender. "Ok! Jesus! Just... are you sure about this, Jo? He's what you want?"

Josie stared down at her shoes for a moment before slowly nodding. "When Meghan and Jerry died, I didn't think I would ever get over that... then Happy showed up out of the blue and it was like I was struck by lightning. There I was thinking, hey maybe life isn't really over after all. Maybe I don't have to just trudge through every day, taking care of the farm and living with memories. It's soon, really soon, but I love him, and I'm with him until he decides that he doesn't want me to be anymore."

Elliott sighed and nodded. "Ok."

He opened the door and led the way out into the hallway where Happy was sitting staring at them. Karen was a few seats down, looking horrified, which made Josie smirk. Happy stood when Elliott stopped in front of him and held out a hand to shake. Happy took it, which made Josie let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding.

"Josie says that you're a good man, and I've never known her to be wrong about people or horses."

Happy just nodded as Josie took his other hand and began to lead him away. She turned and nodded to her brother. "Text me when they release Tristan and I'll come to see her before I head back home."

Elliott nodded then grinned. "Want me to send that realtor's information? You might have more reason to stick around Charming now."

Josie rolled her eyes as Happy looked at her curiously. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. You can send it but that doesn't mean that I'll call them."

Her brother chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, but you'll have it in case."

Happy and Josie walked out of the hospital, neither saying anything until they reached his motorcycle. He leaned on it as she stood in front of him, hands in her pockets and staring at the ground. When he spoke, she looked at him.

"We good, little girl?"

She nodded, grinning slightly when he let out a breath and pulled her into his arms. He kissed her on top of the head and tilted her head back to look up at him. "I was concerned. I thought maybe he'd talk you out of this."

She shook her head. "No. He told me that you're dangerous."

Happy nodded. "He's right, Jo. I am. Did he tell you why?"

Josie tilted her head. "No. I told him that if you wanted me to know, you'd tell me in your own time."

Happy sighed. "Well, I guess that time has come. Later, when we get back to the hotel, we'll talk about it, ok?" When she nodded, he grinned and leaned down to kiss her before smacking her on the ass. "One day soon, I'm going to take you to meet my mother. I think she'll love you."

Josie grinned and nodded. "I'd like that."

Happy grinned as he handed her a helmet. "Well, you might like that, but you may not like this next part. It's time you met the rest of the family."

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