Chapter Six

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Two Weeks Later

Josie put the last dish in the dishwasher and closed it, looking out the kitchen window for a moment before grabbing a couple of beers and walking through the house to the front door. She pushed the now silent screen door open with her hip as she stepped out onto the front porch. She grinned when she saw Happy sitting on the porch swing he had just hung, pushing the swing slowly with one big booted foot. 

She handed him one of the beers and sat down beside him as he handed her the cigarette he had just lit, lighting himself another one. "The swing looks good."

Happy nodded as he took a sip of his beer before sitting it on the table beside him. He laid one arm on the back of the swing behind her head. "Next weekend I'll change the locks."

Josie looked at him with a small frown. "Why?"

Happy turned his head to look at her. "Because they're broken. Every damn door on this house has a broken lock, little girl."

Josie shrugged. "I don't ever lock the doors anyway." When he lifted a brow, she grinned. "I live in the boonies, sweet pea. Nobody's coming out here."

Happy smirked. "I did." He tugged on her hair. "I'm installing new locks and you're going to use them."

Josie shook her head before taking a sip of her beer. "Yes, sir." When he tugged on her hair again in response, she chuckled, letting her head lay back against his arm. "You might as well keep a key when you do since you're the only other person that comes out here besides my farmhands. When do you need to head home?"

Happy smirked. "Why? You trying to get rid of me?" When she just rolled her eyes, he shrugged. "I should leave soon, I guess."

Josie nodded, refusing to acknowledge the disappointment she felt. "Ok, well take the leftovers with you. I won't eat them."

Happy nodded. "That'll make Tig happy. He ate all the lasagna that you sent last week." When she chuckled, he grinned and used the arm behind her head to pull her closer. She let her head rest on his shoulder and they sat quietly for a while, the swing rocking them as they listened to the crickets. Finally, Happy spoke, breaking the silence. "I'm gonna leave my shit here. No sense in taking it home when I'll need clothes next weekend."

Josie nodded. "That's fine. I'll throw them in the wash with my stuff."

Happy just hummed in response as he shifted to stand up. He pulled her up with him and took her face in his hands, tilting her head so that she had to look up at him. She gazed up at him, silently willing him to go ahead and kiss her. She gave herself a silent high five as his head lowered and his lips met hers. She moaned into the kiss as his fingers buried themselves in her hair, holding her close so he could deepen the kiss. He ended the kiss and stared down at her, breathing heavily.

"I need to go now or I won't leave at all."

She wanted to tell him to stay, but she kept her mouth shut and just nodded as he stepped back to walk into the house. Before she knew it, he was back, his kutte on his back and knife on his belt. She knew that if she hugged him, she'd feel his gun tucked into the waist of his jeans. She noted with satisfaction that he had remembered to grab the leftovers from the kitchen. He took her hand and led her off of the porch and over to where he'd parked his bike under a shade tree Friday night.

He stowed the food in the compartment on his bike before pulling her back into his arms. "You have my number if you need anything. I'll be back Friday night, if not sooner, depending on how the week looks."

Josie nodded as she smoothed a hand up his chest and around his neck to pull his head down for another kiss. When they broke the kiss, she stepped back. "Be safe and tell the guys I said hello."

Happy smirked and nodded. "I will but you know, one of these weekends, you could come to the clubhouse and hang out with all of them."

Josie grinned, thinking that if she did that, she wouldn't have him all to herself. She'd gotten used to their weekends and wasn't sure if she was ready for the real world to interfere. "Yeah, one of these days."

Happy shook his head and pulled her back against him, letting his hands rest on her ass as he leaned down to kiss her neck. He growled as he brought his head back up. "We should have started this part earlier. Now I don't want to do anything but stay and take you to bed."

Josie chuckled and shook her head as she playfully pushed him back. "Tig would just hunt you down."

He nodded as he got on his motorcycle and hit the starter, waving before he drove off. She watched until his taillight disappeared before walking back into the house and shutting the door. She was just about to head upstairs to take a bath when her phone rang. She frowned when she checked the caller ID, picking up.


"Josie, I need you. Someone took Tristan. They hurt her, Jo. I need you to come home."

Josie closed her eyes at the anguish that she could hear in her brother's voice. She nodded, already making a mental note of what she needed to pack. "Ok, Eli, I'm on my way."

He ended the call and after she had called her workers to arrange for them to care for the animals while she was gone, she headed upstairs to pack a bag. It looked like she was going home. She sighed as she pulled a suitcase from her closet. "Charming, here I come."

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