Chapter Nine

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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Happy woke slowly, rolling over to avoid the sun coming in through the doors that led to a small patio. He frowned when he opened his eyes and found himself in bed alone. When the bathroom door opened, he looked over and saw Josie come out wrapped in a towel and using another to dry her hair. He grinned before letting his head fall back on a groan.

"What time is it?"

She looked over at him and grinned. "Good morning, sweet pea. A little after eight. I thought I'd get my shower out of the way in case you wanted to take one before you left."

He shook his head before sitting up in bed. "I'm not leaving. What time do you need to head to the hospital?"

Josie was busy digging through her suitcase, allowing him plenty of time to look at all the bare skin she was showing. He would have preferred to see more, but he'd take what he could get. She stood up straight and shrugged. "I figured I'd grab breakfast after you left then head over." He swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up, walking over to where he'd hung his kutte on a chair the night before. He took a cigarette and his lighter out before moving to the doors. She chuckled and shook her head. "You going outside in just your boxers?"

He shrugged and grinned as he slid the patio door open and stepped out. As he lit his cigarette, he heard her come out and lifted a brow. "You coming out in just a towel?"

She shrugged, mimicking him and winked. "Why not? Nobody out this early." She plucked the cigarette out of his hand and took a drag before speaking again. "You don't have to stay, you know. I'm ok this morning."

He pulled her against him in a sudden move, wrapping an arm around her waist to lean down and nuzzle her neck with his nose. "Yeah, I know. I texted Clay last night, told him not to call me unless it was urgent. I'm with you today." He kissed her on the neck, then looked her in the eye. "Your brother needs to know that you're with me. He's not gonna like it, but he needs to know."

Josie looked at him with a smirk. "Am I? With you?"

Happy growled and tightened his hold on her waist, bringing his other hand up to wrap in her hair. "Yes, you're with me."

Josie chuckled. "What's that saying? Ride or die? Am I your ride or die?"

Happy rolled his eyes. "You watch too much tv, but yeah, you are. It was recently pointed out to me that you're my old lady, so Oswald needs to realize that I'm not going away." He leaned down and kissed her before stepping back, letting her go. "I'm gonna jump in the shower then we'll head out."

She watched him walk back inside, taking another drag off of his cigarette as she admired his body. She smirked to herself as she butted the cigarette and slowly followed him inside, straightening the covers on the bed until she heard the shower start up. 

She padded silently on bare feet into the bathroom and let her towel drop to the floor as she slid the shower door open and stepped inside. She watched as Happy turned and looked at her, the surprise fading and being replaced by desire. She bit her lip and grinned at him as he turned to fully face her, caging her in against the tile wall at her back.

"You sure about this, little girl?"

Josie wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. "I'm sure, sweet pea."

He nodded before lowering his head to hers and she could feel her breathing stop for a moment as his hands found her waist and lifted her, letting the wall take most of her weight. "I've wanted you since that first morning in your kitchen watching you cook breakfast. This isn't going to be slow or easy, Jo."

Josie kissed him on the lips before she trailed kisses along his jawline to his ear. She breathed slowly, smiling at his groan as he felt her breath in his ear. "I don't want slow or easy, Hap. I just want you. I want to feel you." 

He lifted both of her legs, letting his hands slide up until he was supporting himself with one hand on the wall of the shower by her head and one hand on her ass. Her breath caught on a low moan as he slowly slid inside of her, standing still for a moment to let her adjust to him. He looked her in the eye as he withdrew almost completely before slamming back into her, making her cry out and clutch his shoulders with both hands.

He chuckled as he did it again, enjoying the look on her face as she took all of him. She bit her lip and arched a brow as she tightened her inner muscles around him, earning herself a strangled groan and succeeding in wiping the cocky look off of his face. He buried his head in her neck and whispered in her ear. "Shit, baby, do that again." She did and he moaned louder. "Fuck, Jo." 

Josie's giggle was cut off as he slammed into her again, making her close her eyes and let her head fall back. She was barely holding onto her sanity when he brought his hand down from the wall and circled her clit with his thumb, making her scream his name into his mouth as he kissed her deeply. Seconds later, he groaned and followed behind her, sagging into her as his hands kept her from falling.

He reached behind himself blindly and shut off the water before sliding the door open and carrying her into the bedroom. He sat her on the edge of the bed and went back for towels to dry off with. He grinned as he threw her one before drying off with the other. 

"You might want to wipe that satisfied smirk off of your face or your brother will know I just fucked you silly."

Josie just chuckled. "Let him, I don't care."

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