Chapter Eleven

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As Happy and Josie walked into the clubhouse hand in hand, Tig chuckled and walked over to grab her up in a hug before giving her a smacking kiss on the lips.

"Damn! I didn't think he'd ever get you here, doll! You come to party with old Tig?" Happy just rolled his eyes and grinned as Tig pulled her over to the bar. "I think you've met most of us." He looked at Happy with a frown. "Who hasn't she met?"

"She hasn't met me." Happy snickered as Josie's eyes got wide at the sight of the six foot four inch Opie as he stepped forward with his hand out. "Opie Winston."

Josie grinned and shook his hand. "Josie."

Happy watched as Tig introduced her to Juice, Piney, Clay, and Half-Sack, keeping a watchful eye on his best friend. Tig knew she was his but that wouldn't stop him from being a little shit and pushing the envelope. Happy relaxed slightly when Josie found her way to his side, leaning against his leg as he sat at the bar. He kissed her and wrapped an arm around her.

"You want a drink?"

Josie nodded, smiling at him. "Sure, whatever you're having is fine."

Happy nodded and motioned to Half-Sack, who brought two new beers and took Happy's empty bottle. They sat that way for a while, talking quietly to each other but also joining in on other conversations being had around them. Happy was glad that his brothers had taken to Josie the way that they had, welcoming her as if she belonged there, because to him, she did. About an hour after they had arrived, Gemma came walking in with Tara, the two woman noticing Josie immediately. Gemma grinned as they reached the bar.

"Good to see you, Josie. I wasn't sure if he'd be able to get you to come meet everyone."

Josie chuckled. "I wasn't hiding or anything, but when you can get your man to yourself, that's what you do, right?"

Happy chuckled as Gemma nodded and smirked before turning to Tara. "I don't think you've met Jax's old lady yet. Tara, this is Josie, Hap's old lady."

Tara nodded as she shook hands with Josie, surprise evident in her eyes. "Wow! Hi! I didn't think Happy would ever get an old lady."

Happy cut her a look as Josie just chuckled. "I suppose it takes someone special to put up with Sweet Pea's attitude."

Gemma snorted and nodded as Tara chuckled and Happy rolled his eyes. Tara walked off to find Jax as Gemma sat on the bar stool next to them. "So, if you grew up here in Charming, how did you end up in Hopewell?"

Josie sighed as she moved to stand between Happy's legs, her back resting against his chest. "I was married to another farmer and that's where his farm was."

Gemma nodded. "What happened to him?"

Happy wrapped an arm around her as she sighed. "He was T-boned by a semi truck in 1993."

Gemma looked at Josie in shock. "Was he the only one hurt in the accident?"

Josie shook her head. "No, a man on a motorcycle was caught between the semi and Jerry's truck. I was told that he died a couple of days later, but Jerry died at the scene."

Happy noticed that the clubhouse had suddenly gotten quiet as Jax came to stand beside his mother. "What are the odds?"

Gemma shook her head as she looked at Josie sadly. "Too fucking slim. Sweetheart, my husband J.T. died in a crash in 1993. He was dragged one hundred and seventy-eight feet. He died two days later." She took a deep shuddering breath before going on. "The semi must have hit J.T. first, lost control and hit your husband."

Josie shook her head as she stepped forward to wrap her arms around a silently crying Gemma. "I'm so sorry that happened to him and you."

Gemma nodded before kissing Josie on the cheek. "Me too, sweetheart. None of us deserved that."

Josie nodded as a commotion came up outside. The clubhouse doors opened to admit Elliott, who strode in looking around. When he saw Josie, he shook his head. "Jo, Elmer's been trying to reach you."

Josie looked down as she pulled her phone out of her pocket, seeing that it was dead. She winced as she grinned at her brother. "Sorry, I forgot to charge my phone."

Elliott nodded distractedly as he took her arm. "It's fine but we need to go. Something's happened at your place. He says that he needs you home now."

Happy stood up with a frown on his face as his brothers all gathered around Josie, almost protectively. "What happened, Eli?"

Elliott shook his head.. "I don't know all of the details, just that something bad went down and that a message was left." He looked at Clay and his eyes turned hard. "The message said that next time it would be the woman." He shook his head. "I don't know what kind of shit you guys are in now, but they just threatened my sister."

Clay took a breath and nodded. "Not only that, but they threatened an old lady of this club." He looked around the group of men standing there. "Church in five."

Everyone nodded as Happy stepped up beside Josie. "Can you make sure she gets home alright?" When Elliott nodded, Happy turned to Josie, taking her face in his hands and kissing her. "I'll be right behind you, as soon as we're done here. Right behind you, baby." He nodded to Elliott as he turned her loose. "Keep her safe until I get there. We'll get this shit figured out."

Happy watched as Elliott walked out with Josie and turned to find Tig standing beside him. He blew out a breath and shook his head as Tig nodded. "Don't worry, brother. No matter what this is, we'll get it taken care of. Nobody's gonna harm a hair on her head."

Happy nodded as they walked toward the chapel. "Damn straight we will. I'll burn anyone who tries."

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