Chapter Five

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"Josephine, when are you gonna go out with me? I've asked you several times."

Josie sighed as she looked at Tom sitting at the end of the bar. "How many times have I turned you down? You think that would be your answer right there."

Tom grinned and shrugged. "I've been asking since high school. I just figured that eventually, I'd wear you down."

Josie leaned against the bar and chuckled. "I get that you're the bank president, but you have no idea what it takes to run a successful farm, my friend." She thought of Happy and grinned. She didn't know what to call what was going on between them, so she didn't bring him up. "I don't have time to date. Unless they literally drop in front of me."

Tom shook his head as she took money from the man next to him and turned to put it in the till. "Yeah, but that's no way to live, Josephine. You need someone to warm that bed at night."

"Too bad that won't be you."

Josie winced and turned to see Happy and Tig standing behind Tom, a black look on Happy's face. Before Tom could come back with a reply, Josie moved to stand in front of him. "Hey boys. There are a couple of seats at the end of the bar or there's a table over there. Help yourselves."

Happy gave her a short nod before staring Tom down for another minute. Tig slapped him on the back to get him moving toward the other end of the bar. As they walked away, Josie heard Tom let out the breath he'd been holding as he shook his head. 

"Who the hell was that?"

Josie chuckled. "Friends." She winked at him before filling his shot glass again. "This one's on me, hoss."

She walked by the fridge and grabbed two beers, popping the tops as she walked to the other end of the bar. She sat them down in front of Happy and Tig. Happy nodded his head in Tom's direction, still looking pissed.

"Who the fuck is the douchebag?"

Josie rolled her eyes as Tig snickered. "Tom Reynolds. He's the bank president and not a douchebag." She shrugged one shoulder and smirked at Happy's black glare. "He just holds out hope that I'll change my mind."

"Do I need to make it clear to him?"

Josie shook her head and reached out to pat him on the hand. "No, you don't. What are you two doing here anyway? On a run?"

Happy shook his head as he took a long pull on his beer. "Nah, just out for a ride."

She didn't miss the look that Tig gave him as she nodded. "Well, let me know if you need anything else."

As she started to walk away, she heard glass break and Mary call out. Over by the pool table, a fight had broken out between a couple of the college kids. She whipped around and grabbed the shotgun from under the bar as she pointed a finger at Happy and Tig. "Stay! I got this." Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Tig lay a hand on Happy's arm as she hopped up on the bar. She fired one shot in the air, causing plaster to fall from the ceiling. When she had their attention, she pointed the gun toward the now scared kids. "Stop your shit or you're out of here, boys! This is a peaceful establishment and it's going to stay that way. Am I clear?"

After hearing a chorus of "yes ma'am's", she hopped down from the bar and pointed at them. "Good. Come clean up this mess. And you'll be paying Levi to fix the ceiling."

She shoved the gun under the bar and handed brooms to the boys before she turned to a laughing Tig. She couldn't describe the look on Happy's face, but it made the temperature in the room go up a few degrees. Tig saluted her with his beer and shook his head. 

"That was beautiful. And extremely hot." Josie just winked at him as Happy slapped him in the back of the head. Tig laughed and sat the now-empty beer bottle down on the bar with some money before standing up. He slapped Happy on the shoulder and grinned. "I'll see you Monday, man." He crooked a finger at Josie and when she leaned over the bar, he bent down and kissed her on the cheek. "Later, Jo."

Josie watched him walk out the door before turning a confused face to a now smirking Happy. "Aren't you supposed to go with him?"

Happy shook his head and motioned with his beer that he wanted another. "Nope. I got shit to do at your place this weekend."

Josie stared at him for a moment before she shook her head. "Sweet pea, you weren't invited to my place. What if I have plans?"

Happy lifted one brow. "Do you?"

Josie sighed. "That's not the point, Happy. I... you... dammit, where do you plan on sleeping?"

She handed him a beer as he chuckled at the look on her face. "The spare room unless you're offering me a spot in that cold bed of yours."

She ran a hand through her hair and shook her head as he stood up. "I don't know what I'm supposed to do with you."

He winked at her. "You'll figure it out, little girl. I'm gonna play pool until you're ready to go home."

Josie grudgingly grinned at the tall man. "You're gonna hustle the college kids, aren't you?"

Happy shrugged and grinned. "Maybe." He held up a hand when she opened her mouth. "Hey, they have to figure out sometime how to handle the snakes of the world, don't they?"

She shook her head as he walked toward the pool table. "Yeah, but who's going to show me how to handle you?"

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