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♫Your POV♫

It has been a few weeks since Matt proposed to me and I have been feeling a little under the weather. Matt went back to filming Shadowhunters on Wednesday and it is now Saturday. Thankfully they were filming near by so Matt could still come home every night. He has been treating me like a princess and I love him even more for it. He had dropped off the kids at his parents house today before he went to work. He said that I deserved a day to myself.

Dom and Kat were coming over after filming today so I decided I would cook a roast. I checked the pantry to see if we had everything but we didn't. I had to make a quick stop at the supermarket. I walked back upstairs and put on something at least presentable and put my hair up into a messy bun and grabbed my sunglasses.

I locked up the house and made my way to the car. I drove to the supermarket and groggily made my way inside. Thankfully there were no paparazzi's or many fans. I loved my fans but I really was not in the mood. I was just wondering through the store and walked past a few pregnancy tests. I thought back to the night of the proposal and realised that we were too caught up in the moment to remember protection. My eyes went wide. That is why I've been sick lately, I was lucky not to get it being pregnant with the twins but this time was different.

I brought three for accuracy and grabbed the other items I needed, payed and went home. I couldn't wait for Matt to get home so I headed up stairs with all three. I peed on them and waited. It was the longest three minutes of my life. My phone dinged indicating the time was up. I walked over to the bathroom counter and looked at all three. One, positive. Two, positive. Three, positive.

I instantly smiled. I loved my kids and was excited for the new addition. Yes it would have been better timing a little later on but I was more than happy to have a third child. I called up my doctor and made an appointment for tomorrow. I just hope Matt is more accepting than Luke was.


Matt, Dom, Kat, Olly and Anna all came through the door laughing as I was in the kitchen doing the final things for dinner. Matt came and wrapped his arms around my waist and gave me a loving kiss on the cheek.

"I see someone is looking better" he whispers in my ear. I just smile and nod as I leaned back into him. I was planning on telling everyone after dinner in case the news didn't go down well.

Matt told me he'd take over and even after assuring him that I was fine he shooed me out of the kitchen. I decided to go and bath the twins while Dom and Kat were sat outside drinking wine.

"Olly, Anna, bath-time" I yelled as I went up the stairs. I could here their feet run up the stairs and into the bathroom. I went into their room and grabbed out some comfy clothes for them to change into. I walked into the bathroom to see them both stripped naked and waiting for me to run the bath. I kissed both of their heads and stated the bath. The both hopped in and started playing with their toys. I helped them wash their hair as they washed themselves.

They jumped out of the bath and I wrapped them in towels. As I turned to grab their clothes they dropped their towels and ran out of the bathroom.

"Oi monkeys get back here!" I yelled and giggled as they continued to run away. They had run downstairs and were doing a nudy run around the living room. I saw Dom and Kat laughing as Matt walked in from the kitchen and saw the kids running around nude. Matt decided it was a good idea to be the monster and chase them around. He managed to chase them upstairs. I sat down on the couch knowing Matt will get them dressed.

Seconds later they both came running down fully dressed. They jumped up onto the couch next to me and snuggled into me. I kissed their heads and ran my fingers through their hair.

"They are actually the cutest kids I've ever seen" Kat said and smiled

"I can't wait to have another" I replied not really thinking before I spoke

"Are you and Matt planning on having kids?" Dom asked curiously

"We haven't exactly talked about it but we know we want them" I said trying not to make it sound like I am pregnant.

"Dinner is ready!" Matt yelled from the kitchen. Thank god for that. All five of us stood up and went to the dining table. Olly and Anna sat in the seats they always sit in and so did Matt and I as Kat and Dom sat in the left over seats.

Dinner went well and everyone enjoyed the food. Olly and Anna were still eating as they had talked most of the time while the rest of us ate. I knew this was the time to do it. I was hella nervous. I cleared my throat and everyone looked at me.

"Okay so I have some news" I started, wiping my hand on my pants. "Today I found out that I have a bun in the oven" I said and everyone just looked at me. Then everyone caught onto what I was saying and started congratulating me. I looked to Matt who sat there staring at me with a few tears in his eyes.

"I'm going to be a dad?" He asked as he kept looking at me, I just nodded. He stood up and pulled me into a loving hug and peppered my face with kisses. He placed me back on the ground and lifted my top up slightly and went down on one knew and placed a few loving kisses on my stomach. I smiled at his actions and he stood back up.

Dom and Kat came and gave me a hug and congratulated us on my pregnancy. I pulled Matt to the side quickly and asked him a question. He just nodded and gave me a kiss as his answer. I walked back over to Kat and Dom and looked between.

"Do you want to be the baby's god parents?" I asked.

"Hell yes I want to be" Dom said and hugged me

"I would be honoured" Kat said teary eyed and gave me a long hug. Just like the twins I knew this baby would be loved.

"Mommy what happened?" Olly asked as he noticed everyone hugging and crying. He looked sad assuming something bad had happened. I bent down to his height and wiped away the few tears that had escaped his eyes. I called Anna over to and hugged them tightly and kissed their heads.

"Mommy is having a baby. In nine months you will have a little brother or sister." I said smiling. Their emotions changed from worried and concerned to extremely happy as they jumped up and down.

"I want a little sister" Olly said

"So do I" Anna agreed and the twins hugged. They were the cutest little humans ever. I loved them both and couldn't wait to have another little one running around.


Dom and Kat left not long after I told them the news. Matt was putting the kids to bed as I put away the last dishes. When I was done I turned off all the lights and made my way to the bedroom. I walked past the twins room and saw Matt reading to them. I smiled at the view and continued walking to the bedroom.

I got undressed and put on one of Matts t-shirts that was really big on me. I hopped into bed and went on social media. I tweeted out 'Expecting another 💞👶' I instantly got so many replies and I was happy with how everyone reacted to it. I placed my phone on the bedside table as Matt walked into the room.

"They are angels " Matt said as he took off his top and pants and went to brush his teeth. I hummed in response and closed my eyes. I felt the bed dip and I knew Matt was now in bed. He pulled me into him and placed a kiss on the back of my neck. His hand rested on my stomach as it made small patterns into it. I smiled and snuggled further into him drifting off to sleep. 

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