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❀Camila's POV❀

Today was the day of Matts funeral and the girls and I were going to support y/n. She was broken. We have all tried to be there for her this past week. It made things worse that they were supposed to get married two days ago. She was so happy with him and now she is a single mother to four children. We have all taken it in turns on helping her out with them but she is still just so broken.

The four of us made our way inside the nice little church as Dinah was already inside with Zoe. Lauren was heartbroken for y/n all she wanted was for her to be happy. She has lost so much in her life. She never seems to have any luck. She just needs a break, she needs someone that will be with her for life and never leave her. Too many people have left her.

We walked in and I saw y/n over with Matts family. y/n was in a tight embrace with Alexandra, both girls were crying. Matts parents were holding one of the twins each while Anna and Olly were sitting quietly in their seats swinging their legs. We made our way over to Dinah and Zoe. They were standing with Dom, Zander, Hailee and their kids Xavier and Lilly. We all said hello and hugged each other. Lauren excused herself and walked over to y/n. I saw y/n instantly latch onto Lauren. It looked like they were finally making amends with each other.


The service for Matt was beautiful. Everyone who spoke said really nice things and he will be remembered. We were all now at y/n's house where she had the barbecue going and everyone was just chatting. It was nice to see everyone come together at a like this.

I was standing with Hailee in the backyard watching as the kids played together. They were running around laughing. Olly and Anna were 7 while Xavier was 6 and Lilly was 4.

"You got anyone special in your life?" Hailee asked me as she sipped on her drink. Blush crept its way onto my cheeks as I knew full well their was someone but we hadn't announced it to anyone as we only recently started dating and it wasn't a good time to announce it considering recent events.

"Ummmm no?" I replied but it came out more as a question

"Oh come on I know you're lying, you can tell me I promise I'll keep my mouth shut" Hailee said as she looked at me. I looked away and off to everyone else who was here. Most were with their loved ones and it made me smile knowing one day I would have a family of my own.

"His name is Hudson. We met recently at one of the radio stations we did an interview at. We exchanged numbers and got talking. He only recently asked me to be his girlfriend and we wanted to tell everyone but with the recent events we thought it would be best not to tell anyone for the time being and wait until things had calmed down" I told Hailee as I continued to look at the children play.

"That's very thoughtful of you Mila. I am happy for you and I promise I wont't tell anyone until you think it's time" Hailee told me as she gently squeezed my hand. I smiled at her and excused myself as I went to call Hudson to let him know how everyone is traveling.

♫Your POV♫

I had just finished putting Grace and Violet down for a nap. I made my way back downstairs and back outside. I was thankful that Matts dad took charge of the barbecue it was one less thing I had to worry about. I made my way over to the kids that were playing and asked if they were hungry knowing that the meat was almost ready. They all replied with a yes and I lead them all inside so they could wash their hands. They all washed their hands and I helped Lilly wash hers. They made their way back outside and sat down on the table I had set up for them earlier. Matts father handed me a plate of meat for the kids and I placed it on their table and grabbed a sausage for Lilly and let the others get their own.

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