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♫Your POV♫

1 month pregnant

Lauren hasn't tried to see me since that day she came to my house. The others have reached out and we have talked. We all just recently got together for lunch. It was Zoe, Normani, Dinah, Camila and I. I was happy that Zoe had Dinah back. I understood their situation now and I was willing to forgive and forget. But Lauren was no where to be seen.

It was Christmas Day and I was currently lying awake in bed. It was 6am and I was waiting for the kids to come bursting through the door telling us to wake up because Santa had come. I snuggled into a sleeping Matt and just relaxed. Not long after Olly and Anna come running in and jumped on the two of us.

"Mommy, daddy, wake up. It's Christmas!" Olly said as he shook me to wake me. I grabbed him and peppered kisses all over his face and started tickling him. I looked over and saw that Anna had snuggled into Matt and they were chatting. I smiled and then picked up Olly and stood up.

"Come on you un-energetic humans" I said as I walked out of the room with Olly in my arms. He started squirming in my arms so I put him down and he ran straight to where we had left out cookies, milk and carrots.

"Look mum, they are all gone!" Olly said excitedly. I heard footsteps coming up behind me and I saw Matt and Anna running down the stairs. I laughed at their goofiness. Matt came up behind me and planted a kiss on my shoulder.

"Merry Christmas babe" he said and I turned in his arms and gave him a loving kiss on his lips. I was happy. My family was happy.


After the kids had opened their presents and ate breakfast we all got ready to go over to Matt's families house for lunch. Once we arrived the kids got even more presents and we handed out the ones we got for them. We had a good time and it was filled with love and laughs.

After lunch we headed over to Zander and Hailee's place for dinner. I knew Dinah would be there and the others wouldn't. I was okay with that, bit I was weirdly starting to miss Lauren.

Dinner was nice and everyone ended up in the pool just chilling as one big family. There was no bad blood between anyone and everyone was happy.

7 months pregnant

Today was the twins birthday and I was now heavily pregnant and my baby bump was quite obvious. My siblings were coming over today and so was Matt's family. I also invited all of the Fifth Harmony girls and it was up to them if they wanted to come or not. The cast of Shadowhunters were also invited and most of them told Matt that they were able to come which I was happy about.

I was currently placing the decorations around the house when Matt came up and wrapped his arms around my waist and put his hands under my shirt and placed his hands on my baby bump and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Only two more months till we get to meet the little one" He said as I snuggled back into his embrace. We had decided on not finding out the gender before the birth as we wanted it to be a surprise.

"I know I am so excited to meet them. But it is weird that I feel just as pregnant as I did with Anna and Olly. But no sign of twins were evident in our other appointments." I said as we started to sway to the music I had playing so I wouldn't be bored out of my mind while decorating.

"Time will tell babe. Time will tell" Matt replied with a final kiss to my temple as he let me go to go and get ready as well as get the twins ready.


Everyone was here and their were so many little kids running around it was hard to keep track of all of them. I was sitting outside on one of the many chairs scattered around the backyard with Camila. I missed her like crazy, maybe I am forgiving them too quickly but their reason seemed valid and I hated being petty so my best option was to move on.

"They have gotten so big" Camila said as she looked over to where the twins were sitting playing with some of their friends.

"I know. I can't even believe how big they are sometimes. They are very good kids too, they cause me little to no problems. Matt is a huge help too" I reply as I watched my kids laugh and play with their friends.

"Congratulations by the way, you are going to make a beautiful bride" she says smiling at me

"Thanks. I am so excited to make our love official" I replied smiling back at her.

"I'm sorry about Lauren. She said she just doesn't trust herself around you and she doesn't want to ruin what makes you happy" Camila tells me and gives me a sad smile. It all makes sense now, I thought she hated me. I guess I was wrong.

9 months pregnant

I was lying in the hospital waiting to go into labour. We had checked in a few hours ago when my contractions started getting closer. We had dropped the kids off at Matt's parents house not knowing how long we would be kept in the hospital for. It was just me and Matt and he was lying on the couch asleep as it was currently 1am. I didn't blame him, I was tired too but the tiny human in me just didn't let me sleep.

An hour later and my contractions were getting bigger and less time between each one. I woke up Matt by throwing a pillow at him and he instantly woke up. I laughed to myself and he got up and stretched before I told him to call in the nurse. Not long after the nurse came in and checked me over and told me that I was ready to give birth.

She called in the doctor and they soon got to work preparing themselves, Matt and I for the birth of our child. Matt was standing beside me holding my hand and running his other hand through my hair. He was very comforting and I was glad to have him their.

"Okay we are going to need you to start pushing" the doctor told me and I complied to his instructions and started to push.

It seemed like forever until the small cries of a baby filled the room.

"Congratulations it is a little girl" the doctor announced. I watched as he placed the little girl down and started talking quietly to the nurses and pointing at something.

"y/n you are going to need to start pushing again. There seems to be another child" the doctor told me and I was surprised. I did as the doctor said and started pushing again. Not long later another cry filled the room.

"Another girl, congratulations y/n and Matt" the doctor said as the nurse handed me both girls. I lied them on my chest and they both still had their eyes shut. It reminds me of when I fave birth to Olly and Anna. They were both so tiny. I looked over to Matt and saw he had tears falling from his eyes. He looked at me and smiled. He bent over and gave me a kiss on the lips and kissed the girls' heads.

The nurses took them both to go and clean them and put them in the clothes we brought with us. I was exhausted but we still had to name them.

"Babe we never thought of names" I say wearily

"I like the names Violet and Grace. What do you think?" He asks running his hand through my hair

"Mmmmm, good names. Violet Catharine-Christina y/l/n-Daddario and Grace Alexandria-Christina y/l/n-Daddario, born on the 20th of August" I mumbled as I closed my eyes.

"I love you so much babe" I hear Matt reply and feel him kiss my forehead before I drift off into sleep.

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