taking a week off

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Stacey's POV:
I dialed my managers phone number waiting for him to answer. After the 5th call he answered the phone.

"Hello grocery stores manager office how can I help you" "hey boss it's me, Stacey" I said while making a fake cough.
"Are you ok?" He asked. his voice sounded worried.
"Not really" I told him trying my best to sound week as possible. "Actually I was wondering if I could take a week off..... If you don't mind." I crossed my fingers hoping I hit the jackpot.

"Yes of course, go rest now ok? Hope you feel better soon" he told me.
"Thanks." I said as i hung up the phone. I was then sitting down next to sashin on the couch.

"So....." I began "what do you mean your parents died in a fire.

Hey everyone I know this is really short but I hope you all liked it😊 bye for now!!!

the love for a grim reaper; Sashin X StaceyWhere stories live. Discover now