remembering the past

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Sashin POV:
I explained to her everything about my parents death since she seemed interested in it.

I was more of a bit surprised that I remembered about the death of my parents since my memories about my past life was erased. I started from the very beginning of what I knew so far.

Sashins past:

(Not everything he says here was exactly what he told her)

I was 8 at the time, running from roof to roof at midnight chasing after a friend by the name of Allison.
Allison had blonde hair and green eyes, she too was a grim reaper. We both chased each other till our parents called us to get inside i goodbye as I raced to my house in time for bed.
When I had just gotten there, everything seemed pretty normal.
That night I heard midnight (his pet cat) hissing at something from the door.

"What's wrong midnight?" I asked. The cat grabbed a hold of my sleeve with his teeth and yanked me out of bed.

"HEY!" I told him in a loud whisper. The two of us managed to get out of the house by using the window as I looked at him.

"'Whats the matter with you?" I said flying in mid air as he kept hissing at the house. Midnight jumped out of my arms and went back inside without hesitation hissing louder than before.

Then I heard the sound of a crash and screams, cat parents screams, making me fly back inside. the minute I got back inside my room, I smelled something burning outside of my room.

'its coming from the kitchen!' I told myself. I forced the door open, my heart pounding as loud as ever. I ran downstairs only the see the kitchen in horror.Flames burst out everywhere and I could've sworn I saw my parents..... And my cat.

I tried to get to them but then got suddenly pulled back from the arm by a man in a black hoodie. ''where do you think your going?'' the man in the hoodie said with a creepy smiling face of his. I couldn't see the mans eyes, but I didn't need to. I was too frightened to ask.

"Let me go!" I said in a shaky voice. The man cackled and grabbed onto my arm hard making me yelp. He then dragged me out and threw me on the ground. The man went back inside and came out holding a club in his hand. before I could react someone screamed and dived between us when the man Stroke out the club. The body fell on me as I recognized it. Tears began to fall from my face.

"Allison!!!!" I yelled. I clutched onto her body in my arms. I cried, she was the only friend that I had, she didn't deserve to die.
The man stared in shock dropping the club down and running away from us towards the woods.

That was the last day I ever saw my mom, dad, and my cat. And that was the last day.......

I saw Allison......

Ever again.

To be continued.....

the love for a grim reaper; Sashin X StaceyWhere stories live. Discover now