never coming back

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(A/n: I decided to make this part longer)
Stacey's POV:
Work was the same as usual For being the cashier and all. That was when my manager called me.

And everything went wrong.

I walked towards my managers office and before I could knock, my manager flung the door open and pulled me inside. He then pinned me down to the wall, leaning down to my ear whispering "I missed you.~'' 
He licked and bit my neck making me yelp in pain by how hard he bit me. I pulled him back to face me. He thought I liked all this so he went for my lips.

But I didn't let him.

I slapped my manager in the face, pushing him back making him fall. I realized that my manager didn't like me as a friend or good worker. Instead he loved me so he could rape me. I ran out of the office as far as my legs could carry me. My manager called out to me from afar, but I ignored him. I took my things and left seeing everyone in the store notice me.

It was raining outside and my uniform was soaking wet. I took it off since I had a long sleeve shirt underneath and threw the uniform to the ground while stomping at it.
"Stupid w-work-" I broke down in tears thinking about what my manager had done. He was just a friend not my lover but either way he took advantage of me. I touched my neck to where he bit me. I cried harder my head down as I sank to the wet floor.

I was just crying there, not even halfway to my house until I felt the rain stop. I look up to see the an umbrella above me plus a hooded figure beside me. I recognized my own umbrella and I recognized the clothing of the hooded figure.

"S-sashin." I whimpered as he knelt down to my level where I sat. I threw my arms around him and wept. He caressed me from the back of my hair. "Are u ok?" He asked worriedly. I shook my head, I was shaking all over. He pulled away from our hug and told me to hold onto the umbrella. I obeyed while taking my uniform from the ground. He then carried me bridal style and began to walk all the way to the house with me in his arms. I looked back to the store where I worked, watching the store slowly get smaller. ''i-im never coming back." I said in a whisper.

When we got to the house he brought me down to the ground and put the umbrella in the bucket that was beside the door. I covered the Hickey my manager gave me by shrugging. I was still shaking as I asked him nicely to get a warm blanket from the hallway and wood for the fireplace. (I forgot to mention that there was a fire place in the living room.) He nodded and dashed out of the living room, coming back with a blanket and wood plus some matches. He started to lit the fire while I wrapped the blanket around me.

I regret ever doing that because sashin suddenly noticed the Hickey on my neck, even though I thought he was turned away from me. He examined it. "who did this to you?" He asked with a menacing growl.
"I-i-" I broke down in tears again shaking uncontrollably. Sashin hugged me tight as I cried in his chest. I never knew my manager would do this to me I've only been working there for a few years and yet worst of all he already has a wife and THREE KIDS!!! I kept cried and cried till I felt tired. When I did I started to feel a bit dizzy until I fell asleep..........

In sashins arms.
To be continued.......

the love for a grim reaper; Sashin X StaceyWhere stories live. Discover now