were did sashin go???

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Stacey's POV:
The next morning was feeling a bit strange.
And I found why.
2 reasons. 1: I had to go back to work, and 2:

Sashin was gone.

When we talked yesterday he apologized for not introducing himself and said his name was sashin which to me sounded like a perfect name for him. But now, I didn't have time to think about that.

Panicking, I ran to every direction till I found him in the room I had for my mother..... that had passed away.

He layed there asleep as I sighed with relief. I looked under the bed and found a notebook and a pen. I wrote a note to him saying I wouldn't be back until 5pm and that he could help himself in the kitchen.

I tore the note from the notebook and placed it on a shelf while quietly walking out to get ready for work.

To be continued......

the love for a grim reaper; Sashin X StaceyWhere stories live. Discover now