The little bird

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         Once there was a little bird. She was terrified of the hawks. The crow went up to her and said
"peck out the eyes of the hawk so they can no longer find you".
         A humming bird was passing by and heard the crows advice and was horrified
"No little one you mustn't do that" the hummingbird admonished "sing them a song and they will leave you alone for even hawks have hearts and ears".
            The little bird thought both options sounded like they would work and so she thought "if I ever do come across a hawk I shall try both"
           The next day ,as it so happens ,a hawk flew overhead the little bird. She clawed out his eyes and he could no longer hurt her. But soon after he died. The other hawks were unhappy and went to get revenge on the little bird. She sang them the most pretty of tunes but the hawks might as well have been deaf for no song will soothe the pain of loss. The hawks took the little birds wings and broke them. The little bird fell and the hummingbird wept.

(This short story was based off of Charlotte from the 100 mixed with a preference book I can't remember the name of)

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