Elliot Page is cool you can't prove me wrong

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Here are all the reasons:
•his nickname on imdb is "The Tiny Canadian"
•he is a positive role model for alphabet people
•they is 5'1" and still very able to play a multiple of roles
•they doesn't take herself too seriously and still manages to get meaningful points across
•they looks for the silver lining
The first movie I saw him in was Juno, a movie about Juno McGupp, a teenager who gets pregnant and gives the baby up for adoption. I hadn't realized that I had a gaydar yet but it definitely pinged. The movie talks about love, life, and learning to focus on what's going on in the world around you. I would recommend it to anyone with a soul. Also it can make you laugh. The main reason it was so important for me is Juno was able to walk around and not let people's opinions about her get her down. She was able to be her genuine self and still grow. I made be reading way too into the movie but that's just my personality. I don't like to say things are my favorite(how can I when I like multiple things the same) but Juno is my favorite movie.

Elliot Page is not actually Juno. I'm not that crazy girl from friends (if you get it you get it). But Elliot page was able to capture a beautiful, flawed, relatable character and make it look easy. His work in other areas also impacted me. There is a show he has where they traveled the world and talked about their LGBT culture, customs, and history. One of the episodes was on the Orlando shooting and was one of the most moving things I have ever seen. All in all, Elliot Page has helped me grow as a person and better understand the world I live in. Everyone has mottos they believe in. Some people are honest to a fault. Some people look for the good in everyone. Some people try to improve where there is room. Some people fight for others. Some people impact.

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