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The four of them left the temple, leaving Andraste to herself again until the next set of pilgrims should approach her shrine, and made their way back through caverns and Temple to the entryway where they had left Brother Genitivi. Una showed the scholar the pouch of ashes, and tears came to his eyes. She knew how much he had wanted to finish the quest himself, and could not argue too firmly when, with shining eyes, he announced that he intended to ask the Chantry to let him study the Temple, to bring the faithful to see Andraste. Privately, Una thought all that would accomplish would be to defile the Temple and waste the Ashes, but that was Andraste's concern. Una suspected the Bride of the Maker could come up with a few more tests to keep herself safe from prying eyes and hands.

They left Haven, where only a few villagers remained, most of them still quite hostile, and rejoined Zev and Morrigan and Grenli in the camp outside the village. The camp was quiet that night, as the memory of the wonders of Andraste's temple still clung to those who had been there. Una took a seat next to Wynne at dinner. "What's on your mind?" the mage asked.

"Is there any way we can cure you?" Una asked abruptly.

Wynne chuckled. "Am I sick?"

"Well, you are suffering from a slight case of death."

"That sass will get you in trouble yet, young lady."

"Maybe. But really, isn't there something we can do?"

"No. And I don't think I would want to. My life is prolonged through the generosity of a spirit of the Fade. And while I am appreciative, I am content to accept my fate."

Una shook her head. "All right. If that's what you feel."

"Your concern is touching, my dear," Wynne said with a warm smile.

After dinner, Una dug into her pack, removing a pair of Antivan leather boots she had recovered from a chest in Haven. She found Zev, as always, honing his blades at the edge of the fire. Sitting down next to him, she placed the boots in his lap.

"Antivan leather!" He held the boots up to his nose, inhaling the choking stench. "It smells of home."

"I thought you'd like them," she said with a smile, remembering the conversation they'd once had about his love of that particular smell.

"You have no idea," he said, for once letting his enthusiasm carry him away. Then he remembered himself. "I mean, thank you."

"You're very welcome." Una started to get up, but the elf grabbed her arm.

"I wanted to ask you, dear lady ... at some point, we will end the Blight, yes?"

"That's the plan."

"And at that time, you will no longer have need of the services of a certain Antivan ex-Crow, would that be right?"

"I think it's hard to say what will be going on at that stage. What's your real question, Zev?"

He sighed. "When the Blight ends, my oath will no longer bind me to you, would you not say so?"

"Fair enough."

"What will you do with me then?"

Una looked at him, seeing that the brown eyes looked as serious as they ever got. It was quite possible the elf was being sincere, she thought in some surprise. "I can always use a friend, Zev," she said.

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