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Shortly thereafter, Una, Zev, Oghren, and Wynne were making their way through the narrow alleys of Denerim. While Una tried to make certain Oghren stayed on course instead of drunkenly wandering off into doorways, Zev walked behind with Wynne.

"Zevran, how can you walk and stare at my bosom with such fixation?" the mage asked with fond exasperation.

"The carefully honed skills of many years. Besides, with such magical enticements to view, how can one tear one's eyes away?"

"Don't you have other enticements to view, as you put it, that are far more appropriate in age and ... everything else?"

There was a pause before Zev answered, and Una couldn't help but smile. It was nice to know he could be rattled—and by his own emotions, too.

"My dear Wynne, you sell yourself too short. You are a fine wine, a majestic cheese—"

"A cheese?" The mage's tone was tart. "Now you sound like Alistair."

Zev gasped. "You malign me, good lady!"

"Actually, you kind of did sound like him," Una put in.

"Ah, then perhaps you might be disposed to a dalliance? After all, we are all aware that you find the verbal stumblings of our ex-Templar quite ... motivating."

"Give it up, Zev."

"Elf's just twitchy 'cause the redhead's too much woman for 'im," Oghren said, chuckling. "Now, if the old lady really wants to be taken for a ride, Oghren here's 'er man. I been slickin' the bronto since before the elf here knew how to turn his own doorknob."

"Do none of you people ever think of anything else?" Wynne asked.

"How could we, when a magically tempting bosom such as yours hovers so enticingly near?"

"Skip the fancy words, elf. Take it from me, 'nice tits' is all ya need."

Wynne rolled her eyes and Una smothered a smile.

"You fail to comprehend the delicacy involved in wooing a woman, my diminutive friend. It—"

"Typical Zevran. Can't shut up to save his life."

The voice came from ahead of them and a bit above. Una lifted her head to see a dark-haired man standing atop the roof of a building. As soon as all their eyes were on him, he chuckled. "Of course, in this case, it doesn't matter whether you shut up or not, Zev. Nothing's going to save your life. Except, possibly, me."

Una had never seen this man before, and she'd thought she'd seen just about everyone who wanted to kill them. It was depressing to know there were more of them out there.

Zev stood as if frozen to the ground as the dark-haired man gave an exaggerated bow. "The Crows send their greetings once again."

Oh. Una had not given enough thought to how the Crows would feel once they discovered Zev's defection, it seemed.

He had recovered his voice, if not his aplomb. Clearing his throat, he said, "And so they send you, Taliesin, of all people."

"Oh, they didn't send me, my old friend. I volunteered. When I heard that the great Zevran Arainai had gone rogue ... well, I had to see it for myself. But not to worry—I don't have to kill you. You could return with me. Kill the Wardens, fulfill the contract, and we'll go back together with a long, fascinating story about how you lulled them into a false sense of security." When Zev didn't move or respond, Taliesin went on. "I know why you're doing this, and I understand. If it had been my fault, I might have wanted to escape the Crows, as well. I don't blame you in the least. But ... if you don't come back with me, you know I'll have to kill you."

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