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Alistair was fixing his hair, remarking on how nice it was to have a proper mirror to do so in, when a soft knock came at the door.

"Come in," called Una. And they did. Leliana, Zev, the mabari, Wynne, Bann Teagan, and Lady Isolde. The room really wasn't big enough for all of them, but they were all concerned and wanted an update. Una was able to fill the Bann and the Arlessa in on their progress so far in the quest for the Urn, and to tell Teagan about their return to Ostagar, and how they had seen to it that honor was done to Cailan's body. The Bann wept when he heard what the darkspawn had done to his nephew.

She had wondered how Alistair was going to handle their relationship when it came to people outside their party, assuming he'd be uncomfortable, but she had reckoned without his possessive streak. He remembered Teagan's attempts at flirting with her the last time they'd been at Redcliffe and wanted to make sure he sent the message loud and clear. So he lounged on the bed next to her the whole time, touching her affectionately as often as he could work it in. He figured this did double duty, since he could make it clear who she belonged to and make some progress toward winning the challenge at the same time. Teagan didn't seem overly interested in the situation, but Una's breathing sped up when he touched her, which made him happy, and Arlessa Isolde's eyes were like saucers staring at the two of them, which was satisfying in a whole different way. He might understand why he'd had to be kicked out of the castle, but it still rankled that Arl Eamon's wife thought so little of him.

Alistair was very solicitous over dinner later, as well. He'd had to help her down to the dining room—the leg was improving, but slowly—and then Perth was there at the table. But it wasn't all just about marking his territory. Every time she leaned on him, or asked his opinion about something they were doing, it made his heart swell with pride that this strong woman needed him. He'd spent so much of his life being told how completely unnecessary he was that it made it extra-special to be needed by someone here, in front of some of the very people who had given him that message. Una could sense some of what he was feeling, so she played along. It was nice for her, too, to be able to lean on someone, to be treated like a lady (as opposed to a Lady), to allow herself to be loved and taken care of.

After dinner, Wynne decreed that Una had been up long enough and it was time to go back to bed. The mage inspected the leg wound again once they were back in the room. "It looks much better. How does it feel?"

"Mostly stiff," Una said. "I suspect from all the time lying down. I think I'll be fine tomorrow."

"We'll take the day off," Wynne said decisively. "A rest now could save us all later, isn't that what you said to me in the Tower?"

"I did," Una said. "Glad to know you were listening."

Wynne smiled affectionately at the younger woman. "When I was your age, young lady, children had more respect for their elders."

"Respectfully, I'll bet you didn't," Una replied, grinning.

"Maybe not," Wynne conceded. She looked sternly at Alistair. "Let her get some rest, young man."

"Of course," he said. "That shouldn't be a problem." He directed a pointed glance at Una.

"Ah, the trouble you mentioned," Wynne murmured to Una, who nodded. "Good luck," the mage said, her eyes twinkling, as she left the room.

Una stood in the middle of the room. She looked at Alistair. "So, um, what shall we do?"

"I thought I might go down to the library," he said casually. "Do some research on Haven, maybe. It's still fairly early." He brushed past her, as if by accident, and she smelled his cologne, which always made her weak in the knees.

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