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The next few days were the busiest Una had ever experienced. She and Alistair were everywhere—as the only two people in Denerim who could be in contact with the taint without fear of infection, they were sought after for all the clean-up tasks, regardless of their status and importance, which was the way they wanted it. There was time enough to be royal later; for now, they were still Grey Wardens.

Meanwhile, Fergus had taken charge of caring for the refugees, and Arl Eamon was overseeing the rebuilding process. Wynne was much sought after for her healing. Zev had more or less taken to the shadows, feeling that he would prefer to keep as much scrutiny off himself as possible, while Leliana was in the Chantry helping the mothers to collect untainted food.

Morrigan had disappeared, as she had said she would. Una wondered where the witch had gone; had she flown away? She must have, to escape so cleanly.

Alistair wondered about the child the witch carried inside her. His child. Would it be a boy or a girl? Would it favor Morrigan or him? Would he ever see it? He imagined after a while he would think about it less, once the burdens of monarchy settled on his shoulders, once he and Una, with any luck, produced children of their own. He tried to push the thought away, but he couldn't entirely get the child out of his mind.

At last there came a day when things seemed, not complete, entirely, but more settled, at least. Time for a moment in which to celebrate their victory.

Leliana and the Grand Cleric had put it together; all Alistair and Una had to do was show up. Outside, the people gathered, waiting for them to promenade through the streets, letting their subjects see them, young and energetic and ready to take on the myriad problems of the nation. Inside, their companions and most of the nobility stood waiting for them.

Alistair climbed the dais, looking out over his people. It still seemed strange to him, that these were his people, that he was to lead them, but it was also beginning to feel good. Right. As though this was where he was meant to be. He very much wished he could talk to his father, or his brother, find out if they had felt the same way.

But everyone was looking at him, and he grinned at them. "Sorry. Apparently I'm supposed to talk now. Bear with me, please." And because he had killed an Archdemon for them, they laughed. Still smiling, he waited for the laughter to die down. "My friends," he said, "we are gathered to celebrate our victory over the darkspawn. So many stood against the foe, fought bravely. Many gave their lives in this cause. And we—Fereldans—made this the shortest Blight in history. Together." At that, they cheered him. "You have my pledge that as your king, I will never forget what Ferelden is capable of when all her people work together." He wondered how many of the nobles present, how many of the representatives of the mages, the elves, and the dwarves, understood how fully he meant those words. If he had anything to say about it, and he was pretty sure he did, things would change for all three groups.

He looked down into the audience, into the wide golden eyes of the woman he loved. "Of those who stood against the darkspawn, there is one in particular who deserves all the accolades Ferelden can hand her. From the muddy ground of Lothering, where she stood almost alone, she built an army of Ferelden's people, the army that defeated the Blight, and at my side, she took down the Archdemon."

Una smiled at him and started walking forward. Her awkward giraffe's lope had given way to a more confident walk, long of stride and sure of tread. Alistair wondered when he had missed that change. His love had come into her own; she knew who she was. "Fereldans one and all, I give you Una Cousland, my—" He nearly said 'my wife', but caught himself, remembering that it had been a secret ceremony. "My betrothed, soon to be your queen."

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