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"So," Morrigan said, "you and I and Alistair and Leliana will venture forth. How like old times." Her voice made it clear she wasn't indulging in any nostalgia.

"And Levi," Una said, smiling at the young merchant. He appeared a bit nervous about the breakdown of the party—apparently finding himself in the company of three deadly women wasn't one of his fantasies. She checked the position of the sun. "Do you think we can make it to the top before nightfall? I'd like to get started as soon as we can."

Levi nodded. "I think so. Long as I can remember the paths."

It occurred to Una that trusting to Levi's memory might be a bit problematic, in case they all got lost, or in case she needed reinforcements. Or in case Levi was simply doing Loghain's bidding and leading them all into a trap. She hated to think it of such a nice-seeming young man as Levi, but as General Cairados had written, a friendly smile often hides a deadly hatred.

Letting the others set off up the mountain, she hung back for a moment, motioning to Zev. "Follow us at a discreet distance. Bring Grenli—you can leave him at the top, hidden, so both of you know how to get to the Peak and he's available if I need to call for help."

"Your desire is my command, my lady." His eyes twinkled, and she smacked him on the arm.

"Stop listening at my tentflap!"

"But one can learn such interesting things that way," he protested, grinning.

"You're impossible." She left him, then, hurrying to catch up with the others, who were already making their way up the steep mountain path. Of course, they could always have Morrigan shape-shift into a bird and fly down for the others if they ran into more trouble than they could handle in the fortress, but Una liked having her bases well and thoroughly covered.

The climb was long and strenuous, even compared with the Frostbacks. Enough traffic went to and from Orzammar that the climb to the entrance of the dwarven city had been a relatively smooth one. This path had gone unnoticed and untrampled for a long time. There were still bits of debris left over from the passing of King Arland's men—old helmet clasps, bits of armor, pipe fragments, all crunched under their feet.

"I used to pick these things up," Levi said as she caught up to him. "I'd take them home and try to clean them up, but mostly they just fell apart."

"I'd have done the same thing." It was amazing to Una to be walking on these historical artifacts. Almost as amazing as how much trash an army generated and dropped. There were some things to be said for her impoverished ragtag little team—they didn't waste anything. They couldn't afford to.

Levi was staring hard at a small clump of trees, one of which had fallen over and was weighing down the others. "We turn here," he said at last, sounding decisive. "That tree used to be standing up, I'm sure of it."

"Are you sure? I wouldn't want to be lost up here."

"Now you consider such a possibility?" Morrigan sighed. "Would you like me to scout the path ahead?"

Una gave a small shake of the head. She didn't want the mage's abilities getting out—they might need them as a secret later—and without being completely certain of Levi's motives, she'd just as soon follow his lead. Morrigan seemed to understand something of Una's thoughts from her narrowed eyes, and she subsided, falling back a bit.

At last, after many more twists and turns, they reached the top of the mountain, panting and exhausted.

"What do you think," Alistair asked, putting his strong arm around Una's waist, "camp here and go in tomorrow?"

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