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Alistair was idly flipping pages in a book he'd found in Arl Eamon's library, something about the history of the Bannorn, but he couldn't concentrate. Every sense was strained, listening for the sound of Una and the others returning from Howe's. He wasn't sure who he was most upset with, Una or himself, for letting her talk him into remaining here. So what if it was a trap? If she was going to face down Howe, she needed him there at her side.

He got up, leaving the book on the table, and began pacing the library for the twentieth time. Morrigan, cross-legged in the corner, glanced at him in irritation.

"Must you make such a production of every movement? She survived without you for many years, no doubt one afternoon will not kill her."

Happy to have a distraction as satisfying as yelling at Morrigan, Alistair turned to the witch. "Won't kill her, is that what you said? She's facing the man who slaughtered her entire family!"

"Yes, which is what she has said many times she wanted to do. She is more than capable of doing it without you." Humor glinted in Morrigan's eyes. "Or is that what you fear, that she can manage, and do so quite capably, without you? That perhaps there is no real reason for her to saddle herself with a great foolish lummox such as yourself?"

She was trying to bait him, he reminded himself. She was trying to make him angry. Holding on to his temper with both hands, he forced himself to speak quietly. "I want to be there to support her. I know she can do it on her own, but if it had been my choice, I would have gone to help her however I could. I know the very concept of being helpful, or being concerned about someone else, is foreign to you, so I won't bother trying to explain it."

Alistair turned his back on the witch, opting for another attempt to leaf through the book instead of more pacing, which would bring him back near her corner again. As he was trying to focus on the words, he heard a soft sound, and looked up to see Zevran standing in front of him.

"Do you have to sneak up on people like that? Maker!" Then he saw the look on the elf's face. "What happened? Where is she?"

Morrigan was on her feet, too, looking at Zevran with an expression that bore a suspicious resemblance to concern.

"The Grey Warden has been captured by the dark-haired warrior who stands at the right hand of the Regent," Zevran said rapidly, his accent thickened by emotion. "I did not see where she was taken, as I left as soon as I saw what was going to occur."

"You mean you just abandoned her there, in the middle of a fight with Ser Cauthrien?"

Zevran regarded him coldly. "I mean that Una surrendered herself rather than fight; we had the Queen with us, and she chose to allow the Queen's identity to remain concealed rather than risk having her injured in a battle. It would have been quite the scrap, too," he mused. "There were a great many men on Cauthrien's side, and we were wearied from our trip through Arl Howe's dungeons."

Alistair was on his feet, his heart pounding. "Did Cauthrien accept her surrender? Where are the others?"

"I did not stay to see what transpired. I knew that Una would need the assistance of the entire team, and I came here as quickly as I could."

"Well, we need to go find her!"

"I am perfectly in agreement with you. Where would you suggest we look?"

Alistair had no idea, and that Zevran knew he had no idea was clear from the superior look on the elf's face.

"In that case, I will find Leliana and the Arl and hope that one of them has a greater knowledge of Denerim's prisons than you do, my friend." With a mocking bow, Zevran left the room, but Alistair hurried after him.

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