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As Una was walking through the Market District, she and Alistair both felt the familiar sensation of taint in their veins, and she realized that she had completely forgotten about Riordan. He stepped out of the shadows and fell in beside them.

"Sister, I was waiting for you."

Alistair frowned at him. "I recognize you. From my Joining!"

"Yes. I am Riordan. It is nice to see you again, Alistair. I take it our sister Warden here neglected to mention me."

"Things have been a bit ... surprising, since last we spoke. Including spending a significant part of yesterday in Fort Drakon. My apologies. Although, I could swear I told you to meet me at Arl Eamon's estate."

Riordan shrugged. "I assumed it would be easier to speak in private in the Warden compound."

"What Warden compound?" Una asked.

Raising his eyebrows, Riordan said, "You don't know about the Warden compound here in Denerim?"

"No. Alistair?"

He shook his head. "I've never been to Denerim as a Warden."

"Look," Una said to Riordan, "let that be your guideline when you try to determine what we know and what we do not know. Duncan certainly had little time to impart to me any information, and the Wardens seem to have made a game out of keeping Alistair in the dark. I'm not impressed with the secrecy, or with the lack of assistance. From what I can tell, the Grey Warden motto goes something like 'we stop Blights ... but only when it's convenient.'" Her voice was rising with her increasing agitation, and Riordan took a step back from her.

"You have our apologies on all counts," he said. "Certainly it has been to no one's benefit that two junior Wardens were left alone to stand against the Blight in Ferelden, but I think you must also understand that outside Ferelden, few believe that we are actually facing a Blight, and that includes the Wardens as well as the rulers. I disobeyed orders to come here and see for myself, and had I not been imprisoned by Arl Howe—and for much more than a day, might I add—I would have found a way to contact my fellow Wardens and bring them into the country in strength, this I promise you."

Una shook her head. "I believe you, I do, but it's too late now. The horde is massing, the armies are assembled. Once we get through this Landsmeet, we march on the darkspawn. And we need you to stay and help."

He nodded. "I shall, of course. And whatever knowledge I have will be at your disposal." Riordan looked around the marketplace. "This is not the best place to speak, however. We do not know how many ears may be listening. And while I sympathize with your distaste for the Grey Wardens' secrecy, there are reasons why it is important to maintain."

"Then come with us to Arl Eamon's. I really don't have time to go to the Grey Warden compound right now—there are other matters afoot that require my attention quickly."

Riordan frowned. "What could be more important than the Blight?"

"Civil war," Una said shortly. "And before you argue about staying out of local politics, let me point out that as long as the armies of Ferelden are fighting each other, they are not fighting the darkspawn. We need to resolve Ferelden's issues quickly in order to get the forces we need pointed in the right direction."

"In that case, perhaps my next task should be to continue my journey toward Ostagar. With luck, I can find the heart of the Blight and determine where the Archdemon resides. If we wish to defeat it, we must know where it is and how soon it might strike." Riordan glanced over at Una. "I would guess that in your political entanglements, you have not learned that information."

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