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The next day, the whole crew of them were acting strangely. Except Morrigan, who merely studied them all like specimens of odd bugs. Una had a reasonable suspicion of why they were all acting this way, but the specifics she wasn't sure about. And when the whole day went by—with whispered conversations and people disappearing into nearby farmholds—without any kind of birthday surprise appearing, she had to admit she was confused. She tried to ask Alistair about it at bedtime, and he kept saying "I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about," until finally he kissed her, which effectively stopped all the questions.

She was awakened by a rather annoying bird chirping outside her tent. Raising her head, she could tell it was full daylight outside—why had no one called her for her turn on watch? Groggily, Una got up and dressed. Poking her head out of the tent, she looked around. It was a beautiful day. Sunny and warm—and what was that smell? It was wonderfully familiar. Tantalizing and sweet and just a little ... fried? She looked over at the fire, where Leliana was bent over a frying pan.

"What are you making?" she asked.

"Oh," Leliana said, looking up in surprise. "Happy birthday!"

Una groaned. "I knew it!"

"None of that, now." Alistair appeared, a huge grin on his face, carrying an armload of wood. "We're overdue for a day off anyway. Lots to do around camp. And you're not doing any of it."

"But I should clean my armor, and—"

"Nope," he said. "You are officially not in charge today, and those of us in charge say you are not to do anything useful. At all."

Una looked helplessly at Leliana, who shrugged. And held out a plate. "Crepes?"

"Crepes? Orlesian crepes?" Una's eyes widened. "It's been years. And strawberries, too?" Leliana nodded. "Well, maybe a little break might be a good idea." She took the plate, eagerly digging her fork into the thin, sweet pancake. Which was marvelous. "This is really, really good," she said between bites. Leliana watched the Grey Warden shovel in the food with widened eyes. She'd been worried about the recipe, whether it would come out all right ... Clearly she'd managed to do a good job with the limited ingredients at her disposal.

"My work here is done," Leliana said with a bright smile, disappearing into her tent. Una could hear the sound of a blade being sharpened.

As Una licked the plate clean of the most delectable food she'd tasted in months, at least, she felt a presence next to her. Looking up, she saw Morrigan standing there, looking uncomfortable. "Happy birthday," the mage said stiffly.

"Thank you. You don't need to do anything, though," Una said. "This all was not my idea."

"Oh, I know quite well whose idea it was," Morrigan said. She glared at Alistair, who was whistling cheerfully as he ... darned socks? Una was beginning to wonder if she'd hit her head and was having some kind of hallucination. "Is there more to it than the offer of felicitations?"

"No. That's enough. And appreciated."

"Ah. Then I must use this unexpected time off to my advantage." Morrigan returned to her own fire.

Grenli came over, looking longingly at the plate. "Oh, Gren, did I not save any for you? Sorry, boy. That was incredibly good." Lifting the dog's ear, she whispered into it. She giggled as she watched him duck his head into their tent. He snuffled around in Alistair's pack and emerged with a particularly smelly chunk of cheese, carrying it off to chew on.

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