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Amanda stood in front of the mirror braiding her hair. She'd normally wear it down for work, but today she didn't feel like it. She could hear the TV in living room as the news was playing. She hummed a little tune, placing the red lipstick on her lips.

"Incoming transmission. We're going now live to a breaking story." This caught her attention as she made her way to the living room, placing her boots on the floor next to her.

"Moments ago, police reported the death of the most eccentric and reclusive billionaire." Amanda felt her eyes well up at the TV as her dad's face appeared on the screen. The TV toned out of her head as she felt the tears pouring out of her eyes. As much as she hated her dad, she didn't at the same time. He wasn't the best dad, but he was still her dad. The phone ringing brought her out of her trance.

"Hello?" She answered hesitantly.

"Amanda?" It was work.

"Hi. I um, I need some time off." Amanda said, her voice breaking a little bit.

"That's why I was calling, take as much as you need okay?" Amanda gave a small okay and hung the phone up. She could feel her make up smeared and needed to clean up before she headed back to her childhood home.

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She sighed as she stood in front of The Umbrella Academy. She tapped her fingers against her bags on her hip and bit her lip. She hadn't been to this place in over 13 years. She walked up the steps and through the gates. Sighing one last time, she opened the door to her old home and the familiar scent came her way. Nothing changed from what she could see. She looked around and walked to the living room. All her siblings were sitting there, no one saying a word.

"Umm, hello." She said awkwardly.

"Amanda?" everyone gasped and looked at their sister.

"She actually came." Allison said, scanning her sister.

"Amanda!!" Klaus ran to her a drink in hand and launched himself at the girl. "It's been what? A couple days?" Amanda and Klaus reconnected several years before. Klaus recognized Amanda at her work and the two became inseparable. She knew of his drug problem, but she never judged. She'd do them too if she saw what Klaus did.

"Just get out of rehab again, hmm?" Amanda said, grabbing his wrist and holding it up. He didn't get a chance to respond because Luther grabbed her and gave her a huge hug.

"Amanda, it's been so long." He said.

"Luther. Can't. Breathe." She choked out.

"I'm sorry." He said, letting her go. Allison was the next to hug her, not saying much but a hello. Allison was hurt when Amanda left. She didn't even say goodbye to her. Vanya was next.

"I've missed you." Vanya said.

"You too, V. You too." Amanda said, giving her a small smile. She looked at the last of her siblings, the one who she hurt the most when she left.

"Hi Diego." She said, diverting her eyes away from him. He just stared at her, his words caught in his throat. He knew he was going to stutter if he said anything to her, so he just stayed silent. Amanda looked down and sat down on the couch next to Luther. "So he's really gone huh?"

"So uh, I was thinking we could do a little memorial service in the courtyard at sundown." Luther said. "Say a few words just at dad's favorite spot."

"Dad had a favorite spot?" Allison asked.

"You know, under the oak tree. We used to sit out there all the time. None of you ever did that?" Luther asked, puzzled. Luther was the closest to dad. Luther was the only one who stayed after the rest of the siblings left. After a freak accident, dad sent Luther to the moon.

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