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Amanda woke up, feeling arms around her. She looked up and saw Diego sleeping, slightly snoring. She happily sighed and snuggled closer to him. She felt him arms get tighter around her.

"Are you awake?" He asked her in a sleepy voice.

"Yes." She looked up at him again and he kissed her. "Last night was amazing."

"I love you." Diego said.

"I love you too." Amanda said. "It's so nice being able to say it freely now." Before Diego could reply a loud bang came on Amanda's door.

"Amanda! Get up. We need to have a family meeting." It was Luther. "And if you see Diego, tell him to meet us downstairs."

"Okay!" She yelled back at him, sitting up. "Well that's good to know no one heard us last night."

"I'm surprised; with the way you were screaming my name." He smirked and she smacked his chest.

"We better get up before he comes back." She said.

"Do we have too?" He whined. "I want to stay like this forever."

"I know. Soon my love. Soon." She said, kissing him and getting out the bed. She grabbed some clean clothes and got dressed. "Come on."

"Fine, fine." Diego said, getting out of the bed and grabbing his clothes. He pulled Amanda by her waist and kissed her again. "I can get used to this." She laughed.

"Oh me too." She kissed him one final time before leaving her room. "Oh Diego, Luther said there is a family meeting downstairs." She winked at him and he shook his head. She left him and went downstairs. Luther and Allison stood at the bar, coffee in hand.

-Wednesday. 8:15 a.m.-

"Here. I got you one." Allison said, handing her a cup.

"I love you. Thank you." She said, taking a drink.

"You look chipper sister." Klaus said, coming into the living room.

"And you look like a train hit you." Amanda said. "It's okay, I feel like a train has hit me." Diego entered the living room and sat next to Amanda. Allison handed him a coffee.

"So the world is ending in three days." Luther said.


"Three days?"

"That's what Five said."

"The old bastard did mention the apocalypse, come to think of it." Amanda nodded in agreement with Klaus.

"Yeah. He did didn't he? He just left out the part how soon." She said.

"But can we trust him. I don't know if you've noticed, but Five's a little..." She motioned a circle around her head while whistling.

"Our little psycho." Klaus said, chuckling. Amanda choked on her coffee and started to cough. Diego placed a hand on her back.

"I'm okay. I'm okay." She choked out, waving at the others. "Whew!"

"He was pretty convincing. If he wasn't trying to stop an apocalypse, those lunatics wouldn't be chasing him." Luther said.

"That's why they were after him?" Diego asked, his grip getting a little stronger on Amanda's back. Luther nodded.

"What did Five even see?"

"Uh... Apparently, we all fought together against whoever was responsible." Luther said, pausing. Everyone stared at him to continue.

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