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Amanda's eyes fluttered opened and she blinked hard before slowly sitting up and stretching her arms above her head. The light shined through her window and she yawned as she got out of the bed. She didn't think she'd sleep okay due to this not being her home anymore, but she actually felt safe. After she showered and got dressed, she headed down stairs to see Five pop up, making her jump.

"You know I missed you, but I didn't not miss that." She said, holding her hand in her chest.

"Funny. Hey, are you busy today?" Five asked her.

"No. Work gave me some time off so I really don't have much to do." She said.

"I need your help. This is going to sound weird, but I need you to play my mom." Five said and she let out a booming laugh.

"No way that's going to fly. You're taller than me." Amanda said.

"Come on, we practically have the same eye color. And you do look older than me." Five said.

"What are you guys talking about?" Klaus said, coming from the living room.

"None of your business." Five said, grabbing Amanda's arm and heading up stairs.

"Five, that's not nice." Amanda said, pulling her arm out of Five's grasp.

"Come on guys, I can help with whatever is going on." Klaus said, following them.

"He could be your dad!" Amanda exclaimed as they got to Five's room.

"Okay fine." Five said, giving in to her.

"Five." They heard Vanya call.

"Get in the closet." Five said, pushing Klaus and Amanda in there.

"Well hello sissy." Klaus whispered in a super low voice.

"Shhh. He obviously doesn't want Vanya to know we're in here." Amanda said. Klaus went to talk again and Amanda covered his mouth with her hand. They listened while Vanya and Five talked. It got quiet and Klaus and Amanda fell out of the closet.

"Wow. That was so touching, all that stuff about family and dad and time." Klaus said.

"Would you shut up? She'll hear you."

"I'm moist."

"That's gross Klaus." Amanda said, scrunching her nose in disgust.

"Can you two please put on something professional?" Five asked the both of them.

"Hey, this is pretty professional." Amanda glanced down at her jeans, floral blouse and boots.

"I meant it more for Klaus."

"What? This is my nicest outfit."

"We'll raid the old man's closet."

"Am I getting paid for this?" Klaus asked, as they followed Five to dad's room.

"I didn't even ask you to help. You invited yourself."

"I'll pay you Klaus." Amanda said, laughing at him. "Okay, so what do you need us for again? You need us to pretend you be your parents in this place?"

"Yeah. Something like that." Five said.

"So what's our cover story?" Five rolled his eyes. "I mean, Amanda and I were really young when we had you. Like 16. Your mother, that slut."

"Klaus!" Amanda said, slapping him. "You can't say that if I'm there!"

"Where did we meet?" Klaus asked Amanda.

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