Three and a Half

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-Seventeen Years Ago, Age 13, Luther-

"Luther stop!" Amanda yelled at him. Diego and Luther were currently fighting as always. Luther punched Diego, making him double over. Diego threw an uppercut, connecting it to Luther's nose. Blood gushed from his nose. Amanda grabbed Diego from going after Luther again. 

"That's gross." Klaus said from behind them.

"That's enough!" Allison yelled at the boys. "Stop it."

"Tell Luther to keep his mouth shut then." Diego yelled.

"Oh both of you, shut up." Klaus said. "Stop being babies." Luther and Diego both huffed and turned away from each other. Luther went and stood next to Amanda. She rolled her eyes and placed her hand on his nose, getting blood on her. 

"You can ask me nicely you know." 

"Thanks Amanda." Luther mumbled.

"Yeah, you're welcome." Amanda said.

-Seventeen Years Ago, Age 13, Diego-

Amanda sat at her desk, the homework in front her. She hated studies the most, but everyone had to do them. She tapped the pencil against the table and sighed, banging her head against the table.

"This is hard huh?" Diego said from behind her.

"Yeah." She mumbled. He sat down on her bed. She turned around to look at him. "Are you done?"

"Oh yeah, I've been done for hours." He said.

"Shut up, liar." She said, throwing her pencil at him. He dodged it.

"I hate studies just as much as you do." He said.

"We could study together?" She suggested. He smiled and left her room, returning with his chair and paper.

"Do you know this?" He pointed to the question and she shrugged.

"Maybe we should pay more attention when dad and Pogo teach us." She said.

"But they're so boring." Diego whined.

"I know but we're going to fail because of it." She laughed.

"At least we're not the only ones. I'm sure Klaus doesn't get it either."

"Hey, that's not nice." She said, smacking his arm.

"I'm being honest." Diego laughed.

"Be nice."

"Amanda, Diego, you two better be in your own rooms." They could hear their mom coming down the hallway.

"Hide." Amanda whispered to Diego and he went to her closet.

"How are the studies coming along dear?" Mom asked from the doorway.

"Great, working hard!" Amanda smiled at her mom.

"You can come out of the closet now Diego." Both of them sighed as Diego stepped out from the closet.

"We were studying together mom." Diego said.

"You're lucky I found you and not your father. Back to your room Diego." Mom said and Diego nodded, grabbing his stuff.

"Sorry Amanda." He pouted while leaving her room.

"You two know better." Mom said.

"We're were studying mom. It's hard." Amanda whined.

"Group studying is at 5. Personal studying is at 7. You know the rules."

"Are you going to tell dad?"

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