S Is For Savior

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Warning, this chapter may make some readers a little uncomfortable. You have been warned.

3rd Person-No One, mostly Harry

3rd Person-No One, mostly Harry

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"Harry." It's been 1 hour since Harry first started to try and get Draco to talk. It was 4:39 on a Wednesday morning, meaning they had a a extra 2 hours for themselves.

"Draco you talked!" Harry said excitedly.

"I-I don't really t-alk often. Draco said. Harry noticed that Draco kept the same expression on his face. Always. When he sees him walking down the halls at school, under that tree, now. His voice was very soft and quiet. He first time he'd actually seen him show emotion was when he laughed that weekend. Must have been a rare sight.

"Why?" Harry asked curiously on to why Draco was like this. So depressed, so dreadful, so...empty. "Why are you like this?"

At this choice of wording, Draco fully broke down. Tears leaked, never mind cross that out, tears flooded down his cheeks and blood dropped from his mouth once more. He grasped onto the blanket and hid under it scream whispering, "It's not my fault! He made me! He did!" Draco was gaining his memory back and thought of all the things that his father did to him, well not all because let's be real here, that far to many things.

He thought of the abuse, the blood, the screams, the rape, the scars, the knifes, the oblivion, the feeling, the hunger, the torture.

"D-Draco I'm so sorry!" Harry exclaimed trying to get Draco from under the covers. "Come on Draco, please, for me, for Luna..." At the sound of Luna's name Draco's worried face slowly peaked out from the covers. He was shaking violently and tears stained his cheeks. Harry didn't know why but he found this hella cute. Well not the shaking and the tears but the blanket effect, that was cute.

"D-do, you want to get ready for school? You can borrow something if you'd like. Because I don't think you were able to get any clothes when we left."

"Y-yes please." Draco whispered.

"I'm sorry?" Harry asked, not being able to catch what Draco had said because he was so quite.

"Yes. please." Draco used all this power to make sure his voice was clear and he didn't stutter like he normally did.

                                    ☆ ☆ ☆

1st Person-Draco
I was super excited for school today. My father wouldn't have the power to stop me from eating lunch today! And I got to eat lunch with Harry and his friends! Finally, my first proper meal since I was what, 6?

It was 12:11 and my favorite teacher, Ms.Branchette was helping me pack up my bag from Math class (because using crutches and having a casted arm didn't really help). Ms. Branchette was a very nice woman. She was fairly young looker for her age and she was always very supportive to me. She had light brown curly hair, always wore a graphic tee of some sort, skinny jeans, and pastel colored sneakers.

Like the mother I've always wanted, some one who cared about me. I thought to myself. As I made my way to the cafeteria however...

"Got a little pep in your step haven't you Malfoy?" Crabbe said. Goyle following behind. The two boys were the biggest bullies in the school, there favorite target was, you guessed it, me, speaking of the terms I couldn't speak up for myself.

"J-just g-o away plea-se...!" I said, going as fast I can with crutches. Only a few more weeks and I can get this bloody cast of me!

"Hmmm how about NO." Crabbe said rudely. "Pin him Goyle." Goyle did as he was told. Before I knew it my crutches were stolen,
causing me to lose my balance before being pinned to the wall. It was a empty hallway since all the other students have gone to lunch. I had no one to help me. I winced at the pain of being pinned to the cold hard wall of Strawgoh High. I was punched square in the ribs. Yeah, the ones that were broken a week ago, just my luck. Everything was going red this time and all I could taste, smell, and feel was blood as I dropped to the floor. The last thing I saw before full on passing out was Crabbe and Goyle laughing away form the scene. Things went black.

3rd Person-Harry

'Where's Draco at?' Harry thought to himself

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'Where's Draco at?' Harry thought to himself. It was already 12:13. Earlier that morning, Harry and Draco had made plans after his breakdown to eat lunch with him today. Hoping that he'd show up Harry even saved a spot for him, which is something he doesn't ever do for anyone. Not even Hermione and Ron. They just come.

"Do you know where Draco's at?" He heard a voice come from Harry's left in the cafeteria. The voice sounded not at all like it was concerned what so ever. The figure came closer and Harry realized it was no other than Crabbe. Schools biggest bully.

"What have you done with Draco?!" Harry yelled at Crabbe. After hearing Harry yell, the rest of the cafeteria turned to them at once.

"Acting all tough aren't yeah now little kitty? Aww wittle Drwaco's gone waaaa!" Goyle mocked.

"Shut up Goyle." Crabbe said sharply towards his minion, he just wanted all the attention to himself. Harry lost it. He knew that Crabbe and Goyle did something to Draco. So he returned the favor. Harry jumped on Crabbe and brought him to the floor. He punched and kicked and slapped him till he bled. He was going to go after Goyle next but he ran like there was no tomorrow for him. He made a good choice. After this all went down, Harry instantly felt less angry but obviously the rest of the students disagreed. Everyone went crazy, either shrieking in fear, laughing, screaming, or hiding. Ron and Hermione just stared holding their lunch trays. Mouths hanging open.

And that's a wrap! If you were even the slightest bit confused about their high school name, I wouldn't blame you! I put a Easter egg in there and was wondering if anyone got it. If you didn't it's Hogwarts spelled backwards. Hope you have a wonderful day and as usual, thanks a bedsheet for reading.

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