U Is For United

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Quick note, if you'd like to see a Q|A comment some questions and I'll gladly answer! :) enjoy the chapter!

1st Person-???
I walk down the town in search of Draco, I desperately need to talk to him. As I walked through this medium crowd I spot him. At first I couldn't believe it, he's here? Of all places he'd could've been he's here? Jeez Draco is really beat up, Harry should never be a parent (that's a hint for ya). He hasn't spotted me yet, so I pulled my hoodie over my head, applied my mask and walked over to him. He picked the wrong spot to be. I grabbed his arm and dragged him into an alley, not caring about the crutches left behind. It's crazy how little people care about these small things these days, isn't it readers?

3rd Person-Harry
The rest of the day was spent driving around town looking for Draco. They all even agreed to call 3 different police stations. There's only 3 police stations in the area. During the while experience Harry went through an emotional break down and refused to eat because he said he could be looking for Draco in that time.

"Harry honey you have school tomorrow. It's already 11:33 pm, James and I promise to look for him tomorrow alright?" Lily said while parking in a 7|11 parking lot. True concern rested in both of his parents eyes but Harry could tell that they were about to give up.

"Fine. But only if you buy me a slushee." Harry said firmly. He loved slushees very much and made him feel better when he was down. Harry was very down. "But Harry theres sugar in those and you won't be able to-" Lily started in her "I'm a very good mother voice and am going to ruin your life" tone. James cut her off however. "Alright Harry. Lily will you get gas while I go with Harry inside? I'm in the mood for some Funyuns. Want anything hon?" Lily thought for a second before giving in. "Flamin' Hot Cheetos please." Lily said stubbornly.

"Whatever you say hon." James smiled and walked with Harry inside. It was cold and modern inside and Harry went straight (gay)
for the slushee machine. Mountain Dew, Watermelon, Cherry, Blue Raspberry, Coke, and Strawberry. Harry red to himself. He grabbed a cup, a lid, and a orange straw and filled his cup with a Coke slushee because obviously that was the best flavor between them all.

☆ ☆ ☆

The next morning Harry woke up in the most peaceful way possible. He almost forgot about Draco's case, he was up early enough to be early for school, and the sun was shining and the birds were chirping. Ahhh just kidding! Harry's morning was horrible! He overslept and woke up 8 minutes before school started, it was thundering and pouring out, and Draco stayed in his mind constantly. Bringing him sadness and emotional pain. Not caring about his appearance, he quickly threw on a gray sweatshirt and a pair of black sweatpants. He sprinted across the room and swept his backpack off the floor, ran downstairs, threw his shoes on, and ran out the door. Lily and James looking confused while James held Harrys breakfast.

☆ ☆ ☆

The bell rung and Harry was walking down the hall and on his way to his locker when he bumped into Ron. "Hey Harry how was your- oh jeez Harry you look like you got hit by a bus what happened?" Ron asked as he sipped on a juice box. His voice going from chirper to concerned. Harry decided to ignore Ron's comment and question Hermione absence instead. "Ignoring your wonderful comment about me, where's Hermione?" He asked.

"Here!" A voice chirped. Harry spun around and found Hermione with this other girl. "Hey Charles." Ron said cooly. Jin Lucas Charles was a very mysterious girl indeed. Hermione has insisted that she be added as one of them a few days ago and Harry had, suspicions of her. For one she was extremely tall; 6 feet! She was also very pale and wore sweaters, hoodies, scarves, and ripped pants all year. It's almost summer!

Yes, Harry found most of her features peculiar, he also noticed she was almost never at classes and was always sneaking off to the same room. Surprised no one else has noticed this Harry decided to follow her next time she did this and figure out the truth. "Hey guys I'll be back, I need to go to the bathroom real quick." Harry said as he shoved his work in his bag, threw it in his locker and went to the bathroom closes to the abandoned classroom at the end of the hall on the first floor.

3rd Person-Jin
"Hey guys I forgot, I need to go turn in an assistant to Mr. Reef, I'll be right back." Jin said as she took a paper out of her back and rushed down the hall to the abandoned classroom at the end of the hall on the first floor. She stopped at a bathroom and took a quick look around before continuing her quest, not noticing the footsteps behind them. Harry quickly hid in a locker as they reached the classroom, thinking they haven't been seen.

3rd Person-Harry
"Pssst, Luna! I brought your schoolwork for you. I also brought Draco's is that ok?" Harry was shocked. Luna wasn't in Canada she was right here all this time! And what about Draco? He's also been here for who knows how long! Harry quickly pulled himself out of this thoughts and listened some more. "Thank you so much Jin, what would I do without you." He heard the familiar voice of Luna speak. The bell rung, implying that their next class started in a minute.

"Well I have to go to history, I'll be back to bring you some lunch later alright?" Harry heard nothing. "Alright tell Draco I said bye!" She said happily as she dashed to history class. This was so much to take in. He wanted to barge into that room for answers and for his precious Draco back, but then everyone will know he followed and eavesdropped on Jin. He also wanted to go to her for answers but then he'll be asking to be exposed. So he waited until the door closed and dashed off to science class.

During his classes the whole rest of the day Harry's mind was flooding of thoughts on Draco, Luna, and Jin. It all seems so weird. Why was she seeing them behind his back? Why did they take Draco? How did Jin get in contact with Lina? Why where they hiding in a public school? When did they get there? Do they sleep there? Will he be able to see Draco again? As Harry thought about all of these things more and more questions like the previous cams to mind. He wanted answers! Hopefully next chapter. Harry thought to himself ok the way home that day. I'll get some answers.

Haha fourth wall just got destroyed! Ahem, ok a more serious note, it's almost time for this book to come to an end. Next chapter is going to be my last chapter of this book and I'll post something extra I've been doing. Before I forget happy Fourth of July to all my Americans and Canadians out there (not saying you have to be American or Canadian to celebrate the fourth in just saying because it's a independence holiday and I'm just gonna stop now. Thanks to Kittenl20 for their/her OC submission and for all the reads. I'll try my best to make next chapter lengthy to finish this book off and as always, thanks a bedsheet for reading.

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