O Is For Ok Love

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Quick Announcement-New Cover By YeetHotlines thanks...

3rd Person-Harry
"It's been 2 weeks since I took you in." Harry stated. During this time, Draco no longer had to use crutches and Lily found out about him. Of course, it took a few days for her to expect but everything was fine in the end. The two boys were now propped up against the bed frame in the guest room which quickly became Draco's. Eating Lily's healthy kale chips, of course for Draco's likings. "You know, you should smile more." Harry said, turning to look at the lost boy.

"Pardon?" Draco asked, not understanding.

"You always wear the same, emotionless face around everyone. Let lose a bit, have fun." When Harry finished talking he was afraid he'd messed up again like 2 weeks ago. But Draco's reaction was quite surprising.

He looked at Draco, waiting for a response when he finally said, "it's called the Malfoy Mask." He said.

There was a uncomfortable since before Harry finally decided to respond. "I don't, I don't understand..." He replied to Draco's comment. He didn't like the direction this conversation was going in.

"It's been 11 years since I had fun. My dad killed my mum when I was 6. She was the one who treated me well. She fed me, took me out, loved me. But then my father took the time to process that I wasn't the kind of son that he wanted. He saw that I couldn't fit into image of being his perfect son. So you know what he did, he killed her.

Made sure I'd never be happy. And he starved me, abused me, raped me. It was to much for me. And I had to live like that for 11 years. 11 years of me screaming for help Harry! I wanted to kill myself! Kill myself! But I didn't. I didn't want to leave Luna on her own once more. I didn't want to do it and then miss out on the miracle that was yet to come. And that came true. I met you Harry. You took me in. You were the miracle I've been waiting for for the last 11 years. You were the man of my dreams. Thank you." His voice shook and tears stained his perfect cheeks.

Harry didn't know what to say. Draco's little speech seemed so full of emotion that he'd kept bottled up for too long...He then thought back on Draco's words "you were the miracle I've been waiting for for the last 11 years." Harry felt so special at that moment even though he'd shouldn't, this was Draco's moment, not his. Harry reminded himself.

"Harry..?" Draco sacredly asked. He had more tears leaking now. "Your not mad, are you?"

"Draco of course not!" Harry then took the time to really soak everything in. Him being starved, him being abused, his mother being murdered by her own lover, Luna.

Starved. That's the word that lingered in Harry's mind. "How much do weigh Draco?" He asked. Just because of curiosity.

"89 pounds." He whispered.

"Excuse me?" Harry asked to the answer. He surely couldn't have heard him right. Did he say 89? "I'm sorry Draco, but I don't think I heard you right, it almost sounded like you said  you weighed 89 pounds!"

"I, do.." He said shyly. "It's that bad..?" Draco then added. His eyes full of fear.

"Draco, your really, under weight." He then said. "Not even 12 year olds are supposed to weigh that little." If Harry was ever shocked in his life (which he was) he didn't think he could ever be more shocked then, rather than now.

"Huh...?" Draco was confused. His father always said that him being 89 pounds was bad. He always called him a fat, ugly, slutly, whore. Tears leaked down his face and he whispered. "F-father said I was bad..." That was all he could get out.

"Draco baby, you need to be in the 100's to be a healthy 17 year old! You need to see a doctor!"

"D-do-c-toor? What's that?"



"Have you never seen a doctor before?"

"I don't even know what one is. I'm dumb-."

"No your not!" It was a back and forth conversation. Draco speaking out of fear and Harry speaking out of pity. Pity for how the poorly the boy was treated.

All of a sudden, there was a knock on the door.

"Harry, Draco come out and hand over the kale chips! Lily's looking for 'em." Said the voice of no other than James Potter.

"Sorry dad." Harry then got up from the bed to open the door and hand the kale chips over.

"Thank you very much. Oh and by the way you might need to check on your boyfriend." James said hurried as he closed the door and ran down the stairs.

"What to you-." Harry was very confused. The blond was right there a second ago. But now he was gone, with a trail of blood following up to the bathroom. "Draco..?" Harry asked fearfully, worried about what he was doing. "DRACO!" Harry ran towards the bloody boy who was passed out (hopefully) and laying on the floor, blood pooling out of his mouth.

☆ ☆ ☆

1st Person-Draco
All I could hear was a technical beeping sound. It was going pretty fast, actually. Why is it so dark? Was one of the many questions that came to my mind right about now. Where'd Harry go? Was another. I was surrounded by darkness and couldn't see a thing. Are my eyes open or closed? Why can't I speak. Why can't I breathe? Am I dead? This is probably the doings of my Mouble, isn't it? Just in case you were wondering, Mouble is a disease that makes it so your mouth has the high chance of leaking blood every so often, comes to one in every one billion Pretty rare. No cure either. Sucks. Suddenly there was sound.

"Draco? Draco are there?" Was that, Harry?

Harry I'm here! Harry! My voice couldn't be heard. I could hear him, but he couldn't hear me.

All of a sudden I was able to see again!

"DRACO!" Harry said happily. As soon as I got my full (well close enough) vision back, the first thing I saw was Harry's engulfing me into a hug full of love and concern. For once in my life I felt. Safe. Loved. Important. Do I love him?

☆ ☆ ☆

3rd Person-Draco
Draco sighed. "New medications. Perfect because I just finished the last bottle I had to take for 2 months." Sarcasm leaked from Draco's voice like blood leaked from his mouth.  He then realized what he had said and how and winced. Cowering in fear. Draco knew he was allowed to be himself more but every time he did it it felt so uncomfortable, like he was still going to be punished with pain.

"What's the medication for? Your mouth?" He had a serious streak in his voice as he asked, ignoring Draco's usual behavior and wanting answers.

"Yes, it's called Mou-." Draco quickly stopped himself. His father said to never reveal this secret to anybody, knowing that they would more than likely seek out to find help for Draco, which his father didn't want. Not even Luna knew about this. Which was like a 100 pound weight of guilt on his back.

"Draco." Harry really liked Draco, but he was tired of his behavior. "Listen, I know your father was a horrid man but you need to forget about it, it's all in the past now. Alright?" He said.

"O-ok love..." Draco said as he flushed.

Alright how did you like today's chapter? (hope you liked it I'm kinda desperate 😬) please don't be afraid to comment and as always, thanks a bedsheet for reading...

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