C Is For Coming To A Theater Near You

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3rd Person-Harry
Harry dashed out of the cafeteria, not being able to stand the embarrassment of all the attention on him for what he had just done.

Harry found that he was extremely grateful that it was lunch time, meaning no one would be in the halls, expect for a certain blond haired boy laying in a puddle of blood

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Harry found that he was extremely grateful that it was lunch time, meaning no one would be in the halls, expect for a certain blond haired boy laying in a puddle of blood.

Going nowhere in particular at first, Harry decided it would be best to just go to his next class and camp out there, hoping that the drama would've died down by then. While he was still running to Art class with Mr.Suzuki however, he heard.....sobbing?

"Hello..?" Harry asked, walking towards the sound of a student crying. As he got closer he could hear the familiar voice of, Draco!

He ran faster than he ever ran before. Faster than during a home run. Faster than when he ran to his parents after graduation in he 5th grade. Faster than when he was trying to win a race against Mitchel, the used to be fastest boy on the Strawgoh baseball team. Faster than ever before.

The sight of Draco Malfoy was becoming more clear as he ran towards him more, making him look less and less like a melted popsicle. When Harry has reached him however, there was nothing funny, nor more traumatic about the sight he saw. Draco was laying on the floor in a puddle of blood sobbing in the abandoned hallway, meaning if Draco wasn't able to produce sound, no one would have been able to help him. Thank god he'd had found him. Draco had bruises everywhere, a black eye, blood all over his face and clothes, his crutches somehow went missing, and his minty green arm cast was replaced with a dark wet red.

"Draco what happened to you?!" Harry paused and got down on his knees, trying to hear the soft whispers of Draco, not even realizing he was now in the puddle of blood as well. Tears started to leak down Harry's face as well, had he'd failed already?

"I-I-I-it w-as......C-r-a-bb-e." Draco said in a very low voice. Still no really emotion showing except for the crying. Is that all he knows how to produce? Harry thought to himself before picking up the boy and taking him to the nurse.

As Harry walked Draco down the halls everyone was disgusted. And when Harry said everyone, he meant, everyone. People muttered nasty comments like "he deserved it" or "nasty boy why help him?" And even like, the 2 people who didn't care about Harry helping Draco either ran or shrieked in fear, getting the wrong idea about why he was holding a bloody boy.

As he walked into the nurses office he was hit right smack in the face with a wave of cold, peppermint scented air. The nurses office was a big, blue and white modern room (just like the rest of the school) with a total of 10 nursing beds, (don't actually know what there called) a storage closet, a bathroom, a changing room, health posters all over the walls, and a nice fancy desk placed towards the window. At the desk sat a tall, beautiful woman who they called their school nurse, Jenny Foster. Ms.Foster had a fierce red head, a dreamy like voice and light light pale skin, almost lighter than Draco's, and that's saying something.

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