Chapter 1 Introductions

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I pull into the school parking lot and find a place to park, when one of the friends of Mrs. popular steps in the middle of it. I honk at her. She looks at her group of friends and laughs. I roll down my window and say, "I didn't know you were that desperate." I smirk at her and she gasps. Her friends try not to laugh but fail. "Shut up" she hisses at them angrily. She looks at me in disgust. "Like I would ever do trash. Why don't you go park your pile of junk in the dumpster" she says and then after a pause says, "You will be right at home." I say, "Like I would ever want to do a walking STD." She flips me off as I find somewhere else to park. Once I do, I grab my things, lock my car, and walk over to my friends. I see them and wave.

You got Bianca Lingo or as I call her Bingo. She is my best friend and we have known each other since third grade. We became friends when I shared my lunch with her since she forgot hers. She has long black wavy hair and brown eyes. She stands at 5'7 and is Hispanic.

Next you have Liam Jones. Me and him met back in seventh grade but didn't become friends until eighth grade when we got assigned to work on a project together. He has blonde mohawk hair and green eyes. He stands at 5'9 and has a slight British accent.

Finally, you have Marissa Grace. We meet through Liam in freshman year when they started to date. Me and her have never gotten along, I only put up with her for Liam's sake. She has long straight brown hair and hazel eyes. She stands at 5'3 and is always going along with the latest fashion trends.

Then there is me. My name is Dakota Zuko. I have short black messy styled hair and blue eyes. I am 5'6 and have a toned body. You should also know that I'm a girl and lesbian, but only my friends know that. Also, I am intersex, but only Bianca knows that.

Bianca runs over to me smiling and hugs me. I smile and hug her back. "Hey Bingo" I say. She replies, "Hola Dak." We walk over to Marissa and Liam. "Hey guys" I say. Marissa ignores me and Liam smiles. I ask, "What's her problem?" Bianca answers, "The normal." "Ok, so I think that I just came up with the perfect plan" Marissa says smiling. Me, Bianca, and Liam just groan in response. Marissa asks, "What?" Bianca answers, "Your plans never work." "This plan that I just came up with is a hundred percent mistake proof and will work" Marissa states. I shake my head and asks, "What's so great about being popular?" I look at Bianca and Liam and they shrug. "I mean" I say as I continue, "All the populars are, are a bunch of spoiled brats." Marissa gasp and Bianca says, "Good going." Me and Liam just groan.

Marissa says, "Being popular is everything around here. You are known, everyone wants to be you or date you. No one can bully you because you are untouchable. You get invited to the best parties-" I interrupt her and say, "We know, you have only told us like a million times." Marissa glares at me and Bianca and Liam laugh. "As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted" Marissa says and I just smile, "We are the total opposites. Everyone bullies us because they can, and we are never invited to any of the awesome parties. The teachers are the only people that know us and there are slim pickings when it comes to dating."

"Hey" Liam says. "Sorry, but it's true" Marissa says walking into school. "Wow that was low" Bianca says. I ask, "Why are you even dating her?" "I have my reasons" Liam replies. He walks into school. Bianca looks at me and I just shrug. We walk into school. I walk to my locker and get out the books I need. Someone slams the books out of my hands and then I get slammed into the locker. "Watch it loser" dickhead says. He laughs, and his friends high five him. I shrug it off and pick up my books.

I walk over to Bianca and Liam's locker. I see Marissa already there. "Finally, you're here" says Marissa, "I was dying of boredom." I roll my eyes and look at Bianca and Liam and whisper, "Why are we friends with her again?" Marissa asks, "You say something?" "No" I reply. "So why did it take you so long to get over here" Bianca asks. I answer, "Dickhead." Bianca says, "Oh." "You know he has a name right" Marissa asks, "It's Kevin and why do you hate him so much, he is the definition of perfect." "First off, I know that, but dickhead suites him better" I say, "And two, gross." The doors open, and we hear a bunch of cheering. "Oh joy" I say.

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