Chapter 2 Meet The Most Popular Kids

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Meet Corbin Wilde, or as he goes by, Wilde, one of the most popular kids in school. He is known for his legendary "wild" parties, pun intended. Wilde has short light brown hair that is shaved on both sides and spiked in the front and brown eyes. He stands at 5'9 and is Canadian. Because of Wilde's excessive parting, he has to repeat his junior year. His two friends are not far behind him.

His parties are legendary, or so I've heard. The only way you get invited is if you are popular or dating someone popular, which means your popular. He looks for any excuse to throw a party. Homecoming game, he throws a party. Prom, he throws a party. Starting a new school year, he throws a party. Last day of school, throws a party. You get the picture.

Marissa says, "I heard Wilde is throwing a party at the end of the week." "So" I ask. "I am going to that party" she says. Bianca says, "Ya right. You have been saying that since freshman year and you're now a junior." Marissa says, "Well this time, I'm not just saying that." I say, "Ok whatever you say."

"The MVP has entered the building" some jock says high fiving a girl in a jersey with the number 3 on it. Let me now introduce you to Amber Jackson, another one of the most popular kids in school. If you haven't guessed already, she is known for being the jock. Amber has long straight brown hair and green eyes. She stands at 5'8 and has a toned body.

Amber plays volleyball, basketball, soccer, and softball. She is so good at each of those sports that she is the captain of each team. Her jersey number on every team is three. She is so good that she is even better than seventy-five percent of the boys that play the sport. She is always with her two co-captains of the different teams.

"Ugh" Marissa says, "What's the big deal? Sports are stupid and boring." "If it isn't shopping or has something to do with fashion its stupid and boring to you" Bianca says. "Sports aren't stupid or boring" I say. Marissa says, "Of course you would say that." I ask, "Are you trying to hint at something?" Marissa says, "I was just stating the truth." "Sure, you were" I mumble.

"Looking sharp as always" a girl says, "I thought this wasn't coming out for another three months." Nathan Davis, the richest kid in school. In my opinion, the worst and most conceited popular kid. Nathan has short dirty blonde that he gels and combs to perfection and has gray eyes. He stands at 5'6 and dresses to impress.

The only reason he is even popular is because he bought his popularity since he is the riches kid in this school. He always has the newest thing and always gets it a few months before it is even available to others. He must have the looks because girls are always throwing themselves at him, but he only cares about himself and money. But surprisingly he does have two friends that he is talking to right now.

"Where can I find myself a Nathan Davis" Marissa asks. "What's the big deal" I ask. "Of course, you would say that" Marissa says. Bianca says, "I actually have to agree with Marissa on this one, Nathan is hot." At the same time me and Marissa speak. I say, "Seriously" and Marissa says, "Thank you." Bianca says, "But I also still am with Dak on this." Again, at the same time me and Marissa speak. I say, "Thank you" and Marissa says, "What." "I won't deny he is hot" Bianca says, "But he needs a change in his attitude." Wolf whistles can be heard and that can only be for one person.

Saving the best for last, last but not least, walking down the hall in all her glory and amazingness you have Maddison Stark, the queen bee of this school. And yes, if you haven't already guessed, I have a crush on Maddison Stark. I just can't help it, but I know it would never work out. One, Maddison is straight and two she is popular and I'm not.

Maddison has light brown hair with a few blonde streaks. The lower half of her hair is wavy and she has brown eyes. She stands at 5'4 and has the perfect body. Everyone wants to be her friend and all the guys want to date her. She knows everyone's secrets and isn't afraid to use it against you so don't get on her bad side. Surprisingly she has two friends that she is nice too and I don't think she threatens them.

We watch as she walks by us and all I can do is stare in awe of her. "After I get invited to Wilde's party" Marissa says, "That will be me in a few months." "Again" Bianca says, "You have been saying that for the last two years." "Again" Marissa says, "I'm not just saying that this time." "Again" I say, "Whatever you say."

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