Bonus Chapter

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Here is my Christmas present to you guys that you voted for.  Some explicit content.  I want to thank CaeonDrackonous for writing this scene.  If you haven't yet make sure to check out my new story One Party, One Bet.  Enjoy

When they arrive at the hotel, Maddison quickly checks them in. She then grabs Dakota hand and Maddison drags Dakota to their room. She unlocks the door and pushes Dakota in. She enters and locks the door connecting their lips. Dakota kisses Maddison back while trying to remain calm, act like she knows what she is doing, and giving herself a pep talk. Maddison pulls away just enough to look at Dakota. "I'm your first" Maddison says, "Aren't I?"

"" Dakota says and Maddison raises her eyebrow, "...Yeah you are." Maddison pushes Dakota onto the bed, "I'll be right back." Maddison walks into the bathroom. Sitting on the bed, Dakota takes a deep breath. She rubs her sweaty palms on her fitted dress pants. Taking another deep breath, she tried to calm herself as she waited for Maddison to come out of the hotel bathroom. She had been in there for a few minutes now.

The door to the bathroom clicked open and Dakota opened her eyes quickly. A sharp intake of breath is heard when Dakota sees Maddison is wearing just a towel. Dakota bites her bottom lip and made a soft noise of appreciation. Maddison gives her a soft grin, sashaying herself closer to the bed and Dakota. When she had made it close enough to Dakota, she bit her bottom lip and moved teasingly to remove her towel. As the towel fell, Dakota made soft whimpers of pleasure. She squirmed under Maddison's gaze, her pants becoming tighter around her growing erection.

Maddison moves slowly, teasing Dakota, trailing her fingers down Dakota's body to her hips, hooking her fingers into her waistband. Grinning, Maddison begins to undo Dakota's pants, tugging them down with her boxers. Dakota helped as best she could in the position she was in, sitting on the bed. Once Dakota was free of her pants and boxers, Maddison strode over to where her purse lay, rummaging for the condom she had.

When she found it and made her way back to the bed, she dropped to her knees in front of her lover. Dakota spread her legs as Maddison moved closer, placing the now open condom in her mouth. Splaying her hands on Dakota's trembling thighs, Maddison grinned and scooted closer so that she could roll that condom onto her lover. Once the condom was in place, she pulled back enough to kiss the twitching tip of Dakota. Gripping Dakota's thighs, she stood, placing her knees on either side of Dakota's lap.

Once in place, she lined Dakota up with her entrance, sliding her into the hilt. Both parties groaned at the pleasure radiating between them. Maddison leaned forward as Dakota moved her hands to her ass, connecting their lips in a sloppy kiss. Tongues danced as hips bucked and gyrated against each other, urging deeper. Thrusts were sloppy and uneven as Dakota thrust hard a few more times and came.

Harsh breath filled the space between the lovers before Dakota growled and used her grip on Maddison's ass to flip them so that she hovered over the woman, still buried inside. She waited to move, leaning down to give gentle kisses and nips. Maddison whimpered, bucking her hips under Dakota. A chuckle broke from the top as she started to thrust her hips.

Her shallow thrusts continued until Maddison groaned against her. Her fingers dug into Dakota's back, and Dakota started thrusting harder. Their moans escalated in volume until they reached their orgasms. Panting filled the space between them as Dakota pulled out, moving to remove the filled condom and throwing it away before climbing back in bed. She wrapped her arms around Maddison, pressing her forehead against her lover.

They look into each other's eyes and Maddison smirks. "What" Dakota asks. "Just thinking about how that was amazing" Maddison says, "But I bet round two and three and four and so on are going to be even better." Maddison grabs her purse and pulls out a stack of condoms. "The night is still young" Maddison says, "And I came prepared." Maddison connects their lips as they continue to enjoy each other's company.

They are laying in bed covered by only a thin sheet, Maddison in Dakota's arms with her head on Dakota's chest, Dakota's arms wrapped around Maddison making her feel safe, and both of their breathing calming down. "You were amazing Dak" Maddison says running her hand gently across Dakota's cheek. "I love you Maddison" Dakota says. Maddison's hand stops moving and she looks Dakota in the eyes, "What?"

"I've had the biggest crush on you since freshmen year of high school" Dakota says, "And this last month and half that we have spent together has been the best month and half and has only made my feelings grow for you. I love you Maddy." "I love you too Dak" Maddison says connecting their lips. When they pull apart, Dakota looks at the clock. "Not to ruin the moment or anything but" Dakota says, "Its twelve forty-five and your dad wanted you home by one."

They quickly get dressed while stealing glances of the other person. Maddison checks out while Dakota pulls the car up. They arrive at Maddison's house at twelve fifty-nine. "One minute to spare" Dakota says. Dakota gets out and opens the door for Maddison. They walk over to the door and then look at each other. "Thank you for tonight" Maddison says, "For everything Dak." "Don't mention it" Dakota says, "I should be the one thanking you for tonight."

Maddison connects their lips in a slow kiss full of love. When they separate, they smile at each other. "I love you Maddison" Dakota says. "I love you too Dakota" Maddison says connecting their lips again. "Looks like someone knows how to listen" Mr. Stark says. They pull away from each other. "Hello Mr. Stark" Dakota says. "I already like him" Mr. Stark says smiling, "You picked a good one." "He's a she dad" Maddison says and then looks at Dakota, "Good night Dak." "Night Maddy" Dakota says, "Pick you up Monday?" "You better" Maddison says.

Maddison walks inside. "Good night Mr. Stark" Dakota says. "Good night Dakota" Mr. Stark says, "You better not hurt my little girl." "I won't, I promise" Dakota says. "Good" Mr. Stark says and closes the door. Dakota walks to her car and turns around to look at Maddison's window. Dakota sees Maddison looking back at her. Maddison smiles and waves. Dakota smiles back and waves. Dakota drives home with a smile on her face.

Thanks for reading.  If you haven't already please check out my new story One Party, One Bet.  As always votes and comments are appreciated.

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