A Father Figure and A Golden Voice

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Infinite blinked his eyes opened when he sensed that something was wrong as he sat up on his bed before looking to the clock beside his bed and saw that it was only 12:00 am midnight. He let out a sigh before getting up from his bed and heading towards the living room to check on the female that they have rescued.

When he got there, he quickly noticed that the female was tossing and turning in her sleep while letting out whimpers of distress while clutching the blanket for comfort since Scourge said that he'll give the mobile phone back to her in the morning. This alarmed Infinite as he quickly rushed to her side and shook her gently.

Kath felt someone shaking her before she looked over her shoulder weakly and instantly recognized who it was. She was surprise to see that Infinite wasn't wearing his mask making her see his sapphire-amber eyes. She tried to sit up only to regret it when her body ache too much that she let out a pained whimper.

She then felt two arms picking her up before feeling her head resting on something fluffy as she and the person both lay down on the couch. She looked up curiously before she noticed that Infinite was staring at her in concern. This surprised her a bit but she was starting to like this side of him. She then nuzzled up against his chest feeling him stroke her head gently causing her to purr softly. Infinite seemed cruel in the game but seeing him act all gentle with her proved her wrong as she instanly saw him like her father. She felt her eyes grew heavy before sleep over takes her, feeling Infinite continue to stroke her head.

Indinite just continued to stroked the female's head before he heard soft breathing making him look down and saw that she fast asleep. He just smiled knowing that she needed a lot of rest and sleep to heal up completely. He then plant a soft kiss on top of her head before closing his eyes to go back to sleep as he used his tail as a blanket.

The next day

Infinite felt his ears twitching when he heard loud voices coming from the kitchen. He let out a sigh before looking at the bundle in his arms and saw that she was still out like a light. He then carefully let her go and put the blanket over her as he watched as she snuggled under it and let out a content sigh which made him smile before heading to the kitchen only to duck as a cup came flying towards his direction.

Infinite: (crosses his arms) Okay, what are you guys doing?

Scourge: (looks over with eggyolk on his head) Well, I thought that I should make breakfast for Brownie over there so she can heal up faster. Oh, yeah. Here's her phone.

He tosses it to Infinite who caught it and looked at it curiously.

Fleetway: (glares at him) No way! Your cooking sucks! I'll do it!

Mephiles just rolled his eyes and just continued to drink a mug of coffee while dodging flying projectiles. Infinite just went back to the couch and sat down against it and turned on the phone out of curiousity and the wallpaper intrigued him a little. There wasn't much to look at but he checked the gallery app to see anything that seemed interesting and sure enough four folders with pictures appear.

On the bottom selection was only about 777 pictures and saw that the blue rat with Shadow but they both seemed different and it was called Download.

The next one above the first one was ehat looked like a comic about 71 pictures which got my interest as he pressed and saw something that caught his eyes.

He pressed the first one that seemed to have Prologue in it and was shock to see the blue rodent with the black one and white one but he noticed that they look like kids and the white one was a baby. He just ignored it and got to the next that was above the one called New and the third one was called Maria's First Christmas which was about 19 pictures but was also a comics.

He pressed it and he got to admit that whoever this Maria is, Shadow was lucky. He then went to the next and last one and saw that it was called Download as well but this one has over 1929 pictures or more since she might be planning on getting more.

He got curious and pressed it and saw a lot, make that, tons of pictures and he even saw some with the blue hedgehog and Shadow cuddling or holding hands and that made him jealous since he harbored feelings for the Hero of Mobius right after he and his younger self defeated him but he stopped when he saw that there was a couple of pictures about him in it and it actually made him smile.

He then felt like someone was staring at him before looking over his shoulder and saw that the girl was looking at him ratger wearily as she looked at the phone in his hand.

Infinite: (concern) Sorry. Did I woke you up?

The girl just shook her head before making eye contact with Infinite and he saw for the first time her eyes. Her eyes were a beautiful pair of sunny-golden brown color that seemed to hold innocence.

Infinite: (gives her phone back) Here. It is technically yours anyway.

She just held it before smiling up at Infinite a little. She then pressed a certain app and tap something. Infinite got curious before sitting down next to her and looked over to see her reading something. His ears twitched when he heard her take in a small breathe before singing softly.

Kath: I always dream
That my life could be
Like a fairy tale
A perfect fantasy

Every day is just the same
Till the next day
Was it nothing more
Than a dream

Infinite just continued to listen but felt his heart quiver when he sensed sadness on her next verse and he was right.

Kath: Then on that fateful day
With great grief
I never felt so much pain
In all of my life
That it felt so much more than a dream

Infinite heard that verse and he felt sad and sympathy towards her. She then finished the verse as she wiped her eyes.

Kath: I could say that
It really happened
And not just a dream from the start
And I have lived my life
With tortured soul

She then broke down hugging her legs close to her chest as she weep. Infinite became concern before picking her up in his arms and sat her on his lap as she nuzzled against his chest for comfort while letting whimpers as tears fell from her eyes like a river.

He nuzzled the top of her head while whispering comforting words in her ears to try and calm her down. Mephiles heard the song and came to see what it was only to see that the girl was weeping in Infinite's arms and was sitting on his lap. He then came towards them before sitting next to Infinite and rubbed her back in comforting circles.

Both Scourge and Fleetway heard the song and felt sadness in it as well as sorrow and they couldn't help but feel sorry for the girl. Not only was she was hurt physically but mentally too. After about five minutes, Infinite let Mephiles to hug the girl in a rather brotherly way as she sat on his lap while he went to the kitchen to make the girl something to eat.

He just watch calmly while she scroll through the pictures even deleting some pictures that seem to have a duplicate. Infinite then came back with a plate as this caused the girl to perk up before sniffing the air with her cute black nose twitching.

They all found it rather adorable and Fleetway took a picture on his camera as a reminder. Apperently, Infinite made pancakes that smelled like waffles and from the smell of it, it already has butter. Infinite then sat down and saw that she was looking at the plate but noticed that her arms seemed a little stiff since her hands were holding gripping the phone tightly but weakly. He used a fork to cut a piece before he put over her mouth.

She looked at it before opening her mouth slowly as he put the fork with a piece of the pancake in her mouth as she closed it and he took out the fork and watched as she chewed slowly but noticed that Mephiles was letting out silent chuckles. He was confused before noticing something wagging against Mephiles' side and saw that it was her tail and it seems to be tickling him which they found cute. Who knew that the female that they have took in yesterday brought a sense of serene an happiness and her voice. It was like listening to angel. What more could happen?

So Much More Than A Dream from Cinderella 3: A Twist In Time.

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