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As Toothless and Luna perched on the rocks of The Migrating Lands, they saw something break through the clouds. Toothless was suspicious.

The giant structure that floated towards The Migrating Lands looked eerily familiar, but Toothless couldn't quite see it. He looked at Luna and she shielded their younglings away with a swipe of her tail.

Toothless jumped into the air and hovered around the structure. Just as he thought: it was a boat. A small Viking boat. At least it wasn't a Hunter ship. As Toothless soared around the boat, he saw small figures inside the boat. This boat wasn't just floating here. There were people who were on the boat. Now the situation was very suspicious.

Toothless dove for the boat and landed on the dragon head that was carved on the front of the boat. The people on the boat backed away. From what Toothless could see, it was two Vikings and their younglings. They were the most horrified.

The largest of the Viking group, a skinny male with a beard and a giant cape, started to approach Toothless. The Viking started to speak, and Toothless recognized his voice.

"Hey bud," the Viking whispered, "It's me."

Toothless shook the thought of the voice being recognizable and started to approach the male. The male didn't seem to be scared. Strange. All humans were scared of dragons. This fact alone made Toothless more suspicious.

Suddenly, the Viking did something that Toothless never expected: he held out his hand and looked away. Then, Toothless had a flashback: there was only one human on the planet who did that hand gesture to him. Toothless couldn't believe what he was looking back. This human was Hiccup.

Roaring with excitement, Toothless jumped on his old pal and the two started to tackle each other like old times. Hiccup batted Toothless' face as Toothless licked him, getting slobber all over Hiccup's face.

"Okay, bud!" Hiccup said, laughing, "That's enough. This spit doesn't wash off, remember?"

Obeying his friend, Toothless got off and Hiccup approached the Vikings he had come with. Toothless recognized the female Viking: it was Astrid. And the two little ones had to be Hiccup's children.

Hiccup approached the two children, who were shivering and looking away from Toothless. They were scared of the bulky dragon.

"It's okay, guys," Hiccup soothed as he pushed his kids towards Toothless, "Just hold out your hand and let him come to you."

The kids slowly rose their hands towards Toothless and looked away, eyes covered. Toothless let out a little smile and brushed his nose against their small hands. As he rubbed his nose, he could hear the small gasps of the small children as they looked at what was happening in front of them.

Several minutes later, Toothless was back in the air with Hiccup and his son, Rufflink. His daughter, Zephyr, was riding with Astrid on Stormfly. It was just like old times.

Then, Toothless heard a whoosh above him. Luna joined them, along with his children, the white Stephanie, the shy Eclipse, and the adventurous Shadow. They flew next to their father and admired the humans that were on his back.

The group of humans and their dragon companions brushed against the clouds, the sea and the Migrating Lands laid out below them. The wind brushed against Toothless' wings, aiding in his airborne pursuit through the sky. Luna, his children, and Stormfly also seemed to be back in the sky with their old friends.

Then, Hiccup patted Toothless' neck and said, "Toothless... it's time."

Toothless realized what the command meant and he dove down towards the boat. Stormfly and Astrid followed. Luna and the children landed on the rocks on The Migrating Lands as Toothless said goodbye to his friend for the last time. 

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