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As Eclipse dove for his unconscious brother, he heard the sound of wingbeats. The Skrill was following them. Eclipse had to do something.

Eclipse grabbed his brother by the wings. He turned around and shot the Skrill right in the mouth with a plasma blast. The Skrill caught the blast in its mouth. It started to shriek. The lightning stretched across its back started to fade, and the Skrill fell towards its only weakness: water.

As Eclipse heaved his brother towards the den, he noticed a couple of shapes inside the den. Fearing the worst, Eclipse put Shadow and himself on a pillar nearby. It had a perfect view of the inside of the den. Eclipse was horrified at what he was looking at.

His mother was laying on the ground, covered in bloody scratches. She was breathing heavily. Their father, Toothless, was shielding her with one wing, his blue hue glowing against the cave. He and Luna were surrounded by two scary-looking dragons. Eclipse had never seen them before.

Not only could Eclipse see what was going on, but he could also catch little sentences that the dragons were saying to each other. Throughout the entire thing, Eclipse was rather confused.

"This is why you are not allowed in our borders!" Toothless roared, "Because your kind are monsters to our society!"

"That's racist!" one of the scary dragons snarled, "and hurtful."

"Well, it's true!" Luna gasped through her wounds, "You are cannibals."

"I have something to tell you, Queen..." the largest of the scary dragons hissed. He started to approach the hurt Luna, but Toothless blocked him, growling.

Backing away to join his comrade, the largest dragon continued, "It's our nature. We weren't meant to be this way. It's just our species. Everyone is unique, and that is how we are unique."

"And that uniqueness has excluded you from our boundaries!" Toothless snapped, "Leave us at once, or there will be severe consequences for this attack."

"You blast one of us," the smaller dragon snapped back, "The other will stab you with the speed of lightning."

"I AM the son of lightning!" Toothless roared.

As Eclipse watched the scene unfold, he heard groaning behind him. Eclipse looked over his shoulder and saw the stirring body of Shadow. He was alive.

"What happened?" Shadow asked as he climbed to his feet.

"You were shocked by the Skrill," Eclipse explained, "Now, be quiet, you'll alert those dragons!"

"What dragons?" Shadow said. He was suddenly very alert, "What's going on?"

Eclipse realized that it would be best not to tell Shadow of the current situation. He might interfere and get hurt again.

"Nothing," Eclipse responded. He spread his wings to shield the view of the cave.

Shadow saw this action and muttered, "Eclipse... I know when you are hiding something from me. What is going on? I want to know NOW!"

"Nothing's going on!" Eclipse snapped, "Now be quiet!"

Suddenly, Shadow jumped on Eclipse's back, knocking Eclipse down. Now, Shadow had a perfect view of the cave.

"Shadow!" Eclipse hissed, "Stop this nonsense and get off of me!"

Shadow couldn't hear his brother, or he just wasn't listening.

"Who are those dragons?" Shadow asked himself, "And what are they doing to Dad? What did they do to Mom!"

"Be quiet!" Eclipse snarled, "Do you want to get killed?"

Shadow looked down at his pinned brother and told him, "I have to help them. Father cannot fend off those two dragons alone, especially when Mom is hurt."

"Your father defeated a Bewilderbeast!" Eclipse reminded, "He can handle it."

"I disagree," Shadow growled. Before Eclipse could retaliate, Shadow jumped off of his brother and launched at the cave. All Eclipse could do was watch as Shadow lunged for the biggest dragon.

"GET AWAY FROM MY FATHER!" Shadow roared, his mouth filled with purple gas. The dragons were caught by surprise as Shadow jumped on one of the dragon's back, shooting the dragon with plasma blasts.

The dragon started to buck, shrieking in pain as Shadow clawed at his body armor and continuing the plasma blast assault.

"Brother!" the other dragon roared. He lunged at Shadow, his poisonous tail outstretched and ready to strike, his green saliva acid dripping to the ground.

Shadow saw the incoming dragon and vaulted off of the other dragon. He hovered in the air, his plasma blasts going off in a frenzy, targeting the dragon that Shadow had already wounded.

As the dragon shrieked in pain, the bigger dragon was too slow to react to Shadow's actions. He ran at the other dragon and stabbed his tail right into the dragon's back.

Shadow stopped shooting his plasma blast. He realized what the other dragon had done. He probably finished the job.

The dragon that got stabbed started to shake. The venom and the plasma blast was getting the best of him. As the bigger dragon looked down at his wounded comrade, tears rolling down his eyes, the stabbed dragon gasped his final breath and fell limp.

Eclipse, Toothless, and Luna looked upon the scene. Shadow didn't seem to feel shocked. He just hovered over the scene. He must've been proud of his accomplishment to kill the dragon.

As the larger dragon mourned for his lost comrade, his eyes started to flare. He glanced at Shadow. He growled quietly until lunging with rapid speed at Shadow. Shadow wasn't ready for the attack and the claws of the dragon grabbed Shadow's wings.

As Shadow struggled, the dragon raised his tail towards Shadow's back. Then, the sharp point sunk into Shadow's skin.

"SHADOW!" Toothless and Eclipse roared. Eclipse quickly shut himself up. He could've been heard, or spotted.

The dragon let go of a now-limp Shadow. It flumped to the ground right in front of an enraged Toothless.

"How DARE YOU!" Toothless roared.

"He's still alive," the dragon snarled before Toothless could attack, "But he killed my brother. And I told you, if any of you kill my brother-" the dragon kicked Shadow with a claw - "I will strike with the speed of lightning."

Toothless growled as the dragon started to surround them, explaining, "Now, I have decided not to kill you. The rest of your kin have not been found yet. I shall wait for that momentous occasion when Deathpaw and Bolt return with them."

Eclipse guessed that the Skrill was Bolt. He could tell by the name. 

Bolt's dead, you turd!, Eclipse snarled in his head.

"But in the meanwhile," the dragon continued, "You three are my hostages. And if you do not obey this fact, your son and your mate will be seated in Valhalla."

Luna whimpered and Toothless snarled, "Do you think I would let that happen? You won't get away with this. I have an entire army of dragons coming this way to end your reign."

"Really?" the dragon questioned, "What a coincidence. So do I. And it's coming to destroy whatever you brought."

As Eclipse watched, he heard the sounds of dragon wings ahead. Eclipse ducked as a gang of wretched-looking dragons flew right above him. They surrounded the cave in a weird circle. It frightened Eclipse, and he continued to stay hidden while also listening to the conversation going on inside the cave.

"Face it, Alpha," the dragon growled, "You're finished. Once all your kin is in my possession, the dragons you sent away will all rule the Migrating Lands. FOREVER!"

Eclipse had had enough. Turning around, he cloaked and took off into the Migrating Lands. He had to find Stephanie and warn her. This was no ordinary attack. It was a full-blown invasion.

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