First Glance

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Chapter 1

Sayori stirred awake from a restless sleep.

The strawberry blonde groaned, slowly blinking her eyes open as she shielded them from the blinding sunlight outside her window.

She froze as she remembered what today was.

First day of high school!

Sayori squealed as she jumped out of bed, hurriedly shrugging on her outfit and schoolbag as she raced down the stairs.

She paused as she noticed a piece of paper taped to the inside of the front door.

Left town again.
Be back in a few months.
There's $20 on the counter.
Don't waste it.

Sayori sighed, dejectedly slipping on her shoes.

I should've known she wouldn't be here for a big moment in my life. Again.

Sayori shook off her mother's disappearance and smiled, determined to make the most of her day.

She bolted from the house, her bag on her shoulder, until she saw her friend in the distance.

"NAAAAATSUUUUUUUUUKIIIIIII!" Sayori ran full speed towards her best friend since toddlers, tackling her in a hug.

"S-Sayori! Lay off, would ya?!" Natsuki, a short pink haired girl, blushed as she shoved her best friend off of her.

"Sorry! I'm just excited! First day of school~!" Sayori sang as she threw both fists into the air with a grin.

Natsuki chuckled and shook her head at her friend's antics.

"Yeah yeah. You're lucky I waited instead of just ditching you." Natsuki playfully nudged her friend's shoulder.

See? I'm just a burden to her... Just like mom...

Sayori shook the thought away as she struggled to keep her smile in place and instead chuckled awkwardly and scratched her neck as a soft blush settled on her cheeks.


The pair soon made it to school, filing in with the rush of fellow students both returning and just entering Haruka High.

Upon entering Sayori and Natsuki noticed a large majority of the students crowding around and murmuring in a certain corner of the halls.

The two pushed their way through the crowd to lay eyes on Monika Park, the most popular girl in school.

Just a year ahead of her, Sayori remembered the girl from her middle school days as always being surrounded by her peers much like she was now.

Monika was undoubtedly stunning, long brunette hair tied up in a ponytail that was held in a bow, a slim yet curved figure, and enchanting emerald eyes.

Sayori felt her heart flutter at the mere sight of her, her face heating with a fiery red blush.

Monika and Sayori locked eyes for a brief moment as the world around the blonde seemed to come to a halt.

Her chest hammered wildly as she forced her eyes to tear away from the older girl.

What was that?

Sayori escaped the crowd as she clutched a hand to her chest to be still her racing heart.


"Sayori? Sayori, hey!" Natsuki snapped her fingers in her friends face, though Sayori didn't notice in her daze.

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