First Crush

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Chapter 5

Monika slowly woke, feeling a slight pressure against her.

Opening her eyes she took notice of the girl snuggled against her.

Sayori is... h-holding onto me...

Monika felt her heart race as she gazed down at Sayori, a nervous lump forming in her throat.

Natsuki suddenly opened the door as the two locked eyes.

Natsuki smirked, making Monika blush in realization.

She slipped back out the door as Monika hastily followed, though was careful to make sure she didn't wake Sayori.

"Hey, Park." Natsuki greeted.

"Y-Yes?" Monika asked, feeling herself tense.

"Be real with me for a minute, okay?" Natsuki sat on the couch, motioning for Monika to have a seat beside her.

Monika hesitantly sat down, crossing her legs and placing her hands in her lap.

"W-What is it?" Monika asked anxiously.

"Do you like Sayori?" Natsuki blurted suddenly.

"I-I beg your pardon?" Monika stuttered, blushing a deep red.

"Look. I don't take kindly to people playing around with my pal's feelings. So if you like her, that's great! But if you don't you need to stop. I will not let Sayori get her heart broken again." Natsuki explained, glaring daggers at Monika.

"'Again'?" Monika questioned.

"Look, if you wanna know you should ask her. I've already said too much." Natsuki shrugged, taking a sip of her hot cocoa.

A loud thud could be heard from upstairs, followed by a groan of pain.

"Looks like Sayo's up." Natsuki snickered.

"Morning..." Sayori said as she walked down the stairs, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

She made eye contact with Monika, a light blush dusting her cheeks as she froze in place.

"H-Hey..." Sayori offered a timid wave.

"H-H-Hi..." Monika smiled awkwardly, blushing as well.

Natsuki watched the scene with interest, her lips curving into a knowing smirk.

"I made pancakes. I'll go get them." Natsuki said, sauntering into the kitchen.

Sayori and Monika continued to stare at one another, both unsure of what to do or say.

"I, uh- T-Thank you... For last night, that is.." Sayori rubbed the back of her neck.

"N-No problem..." Monika said.

"I, uh, think I should go now..." Monika said suddenly, glancing at the clock of her phone.

"R-Right now?" Sayori asked, her voice wavering a bit.

Dammit... If I'm around her much longer I don't know if I can take it...

"Y-Yeah, sorry!" Monika said, closing the door behind her.

"She didn't even say goodbye..." Sayori said softly to no one in particular.


Monika drove off to no where in particular. She just needed a few minutes to calm down.

That girl is going to kill me if she doesn't stop being so damn cute...

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