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Chapter 37

Monika walked the Halls of the nearly empty school, smiling slightly as she appreciated the sounds of silence around her.

"Mrs. Ayase!" Monika said, finding the teacher she was looking for.

"Monika!" the blonde woman smiled, her grey blue eyes twinkling as she gazed at her favourite student.

"I came by to give you the classroom key before summer. Just to be sure it stays safe over summer." Monika explained, holding the object out towards the slightly older woman.

"Thank you! Do you have any plans for letniy otpusk?" Mrs. Ayase said, her native tongue slipping.

"I'm sorry... How do you say it again? Summer vacation?" she corrected, blushing softly.

"Correct. And nothing much. Maybe take my girlfriend to the beach. I don't have any set plans." Monika shrugged, "And you?"

"My wife Yukiho and I were going to visit her sister and her wife, Tsubasa, in Tokyo." Mrs. Ayase's eyes shone with passion as she spoke of her lover.

"That's good. Or I should say... It's khorosho." Monika said with a grin.

The teacher nodded, giggling.

"Well, enjoy your let- summer." Mrs. Ayase waved as she turned down the hall.

"Do svidaniya, goodbye!" Monika waved as well, turning down the hall.


Monika knocked on the door of Sayori's house, waiting patiently for the girl to open it.

"Sayo?" Monika called after a few minutes, knocking again.

She slowly turned the knob as it clicked open, allowing Monika to easily step inside.

"She has got to start locking that door already..." Monika muttered to herself as she glanced around for the girl in question.

"Sayori?" Monika called up the stairs, hearing no answer.

Monika slowly opened the girl's door, seeing Sayori at her little desk.

The girl appeared to be asleep, but as Monika came closer, it was evident that she had just finished crying or maybe still was.

"Sayori!" Monika gently rubbed her back as Sayori stirred slightly.

"Oh hey, Moni... When did you come in?" Sayori asked drowsily.

"I've been here for a few minutes..." Monika said hesitantly.

Didn't she notice me? I looked into her eyes and everything...

"Are you okay, raindrop? You're eyes are red and puffy." Monika said, crouching to be eye level with her.

"Oh sorry... I guess I dozed off sitting here..." Sayori said, giving a tired smile.

I don't think so... Her eyes were clearly open and blinking...

"It's okay. Did you want to take a nap? It's summer now, after all, so I understand." Monika smiled sweetly.

"Um, no thanks... Or... Actually... Yeah... Sorry.." Sayori mumbled.

Monika helped Sayori stagger to her feet, watching the girl sway a bit with each step.

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