Chat Part One

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Chapter 33

Sayori was running, chasing after Monika.

She heard a low growl, turning her head as a tiger pounced on her.

She gazed into a pair of familiar orange eyes- er, eye, as one was covered by aqua fur- and instantly knew who it was.

"Dev..?" Sayori whimpered.

In response she only received a low growl.

"Dev, let me go! I have to get to Monika!" Sayori begged, struggling to get out from under Dev's massive paw.

"No." Dev growled lowly, sending a shiver through Sayori's spine.

"Why not? I have to save her, Dev!" Sayori squirmed.

"No." Dev repeated, "You'll get hurt."

"But she needs me, Dev! Please!" Sayori screamed.

"This is for your own good." Dev said.

There came a loud cry of pain, which Sayori instantly recognised as Monika's voice.

"If you go, they'll hurt you too." Dev said, pushing her paw harder against Sayori's neck.

Sayori coughed, scratching at Dev's paw as the tiger unconsciously suffocated her.

"Dev!- Monika! MONI!"


"MONI!" Sayori woke, heaving deep breaths.

She touched her neck, feeling an unusual heat sensation.

"Why would... What was... Why was Dev there..?" Sayori asked, utterly confused.

Looking outside, she guessed it was about ten in the morning.

Too late to go to school now...

Another thought instantly captured her attention.


"I'm gonna need a ride." Sayori said to herself, reaching for her phone.

She dialed a number she hadn't given a second thought to since Dev's funeral.


"Hey, Blondie." a worker Sayori recognised from Dev's department said as she walked towards her.

"Hey, Yang..?" Sayori said in a questioning tone.

"That's my name, don't wear it out." Yang winked.

"Anyway, everyone at work misses you. I hope you'll give me a call sometime, let me know how you're doing?" Yang handed her a slip of paper with her phone number on it.

Sayori forced a smile, nodding slowly as she crammed the paper into her pocket.

Later that night she entered the number, never to give it another thought.


Until today.

"Yo, this is Yang Xiao Long. Who's this?" a familiar voice asked.

"Hi, um... It's Sayori." Sayori said slowly.

"Hey, Blondie!" Yang laughed, "Why're you calling right now? Shouldn't you be in school?"

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