Fighting the Feeling

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Chapter 6

Monika woke up in a daze, still lying in the driver's seat of her car.

How long have I been here?

She glanced at the clock to notice she had been asleep for at least three hours.

Monika sighed, deciding to get something to eat from the restaurant she was parked.

Upon entering, she heard the sound of a familiar laugh, her heart skipping a beat.

"Sayori..." she whispered to herself.

In a booth at the corner of the place sat a very flustered Natsuki being teased by the lively and bubbly Sayori.

Monika brushed them off, turning to order something so she could hurry and leave.

"Yo, Park!" Monika flinched at the sound of her name.

She turned to see Natsuki motioning her over and willed herself to advance in their direction.

"H-H-Hi." Sayori said as she approached.

"Have a seat, Monika." Natsuki smirked, pointing to the spot beside Sayori smugly.

Monika hesitantly sat down, feeling Sayori tense beside her as she twiddled her hands in her lap.

"Are you three ready to order?" a waitress asked, holding the pad and pen as she smiled at the girls.

"Oh, um... I-I'm not with-" Monika stopped abruptly, noticing the heartbroken look on Sayori's face.

"C'mon! Have a bite with us." Natsuki said nonchalant.

Monika slowly nodded, settling back into her seat.

"Awesome!" Sayori said with a grin.

Monika blushed, offering a crooked smile in return.

They made their orders; Monika getting simply an order of onion rings and a strawberry milkshake, Sayori and Natsuki agreeing to split a plate of fries and a large Dr. Pepper.

"So, Monika... Why'd you have to leave earlier?" Sayori asked, glancing at her hands as she nervously pressed her fingertips together.

"Oh um... I forgot I didn't feed my cat since I went home with you two." Monika lied, though it wasn't far from the truth.

She had left a very unreliable neighbor in charge of her cat for the day so for all she knew her cat could have been neglected, but she doubted that.

"Oh, that makes sense. Sorry, I didn't realize you had a responsibility like that or I wouldn't have asked so suddenly..." Sayori rubbed her upper arm, blushing at Monika.

"It's fine." Monika assured her.

The food arrived as the three ate in silence.

God dammit... Why am I always a third wheel?!

Natsuki excused herself, making up a reason she had to leave.

Sayori blushed deeper. Without the distraction of Natsuki, there was nothing stopping her from stealing glance after glance at Monika.

Monika looked at Sayori from the corner of her eye, startling both girls to turn away as their eyes met.

What do I say? What should I do? Why can't I function properly?!

"So, Sayori..." Monika began, trying to think of a way to break the ice.

Sayori snapped to attention, turning her head to face the brunette.

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