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Chapter 4

"Welcome!" Sayori threw open her door, which had been left unlocked all day.

"Ah geez, Sayo! You gotta start locking your door!" Natsuki complained as she rolled her eyes.

"Why? I don't have anything worth stealing anyways." Sayori shrugged with a giggle.

Monika hesitantly stepped inside, glancing around the fairly bare living room.

There was a couch big enough for two people, a TV on a small endtable against the wall, and a coffee table between them.

"Still, Sayori, leaving your house unlocked is dangerous! What if a murderer was waiting in your house when you came home one day?" Monika questioned.

"I guess... But what are the odds of that?" Sayori laughed.

Natsuki sighed as she crossed her arms.

"Don't mind her, Monika. She's just dumb when it comes to common sense... Or anything, really." Natsuki muttered the last part.

"Hey! I heard that!" Sayori blushed from the kitchen.

Monika giggled and blushed softly as Sayori grumbled incoherently, her eyebrows furrowed together angrily.

"Just- Help me make some cookies, already!" Sayori said, flustered by Monika's laughter.

"Yeah yeah." Natsuki smirked, rolling her eyes as she followed Sayori into the kitchen with Monika at her heels.

"Okay, Sayo. You know the drill. Go to your room." Natsuki said sternly as she washed her hands.

Sayori nodded, walking past Monika towards the stairs.

"Why does she have to go upstairs?" Monika asked, puzzled.

"Last time I let that airhead help me she nearly burned down the whole kitchen!" Natsuki said, irritated as she recalled the rather scary event.

"That wasn't my fault! You told me they would take 20 minutes! They weren't in for five before they caught fire!" Sayori puffed her cheeks out angrily.

"Room!" Natsuki pointed up the stairs.

Sayori huffed, stomping into her room and slamming the door behind her, muttering bitterly.

Monika stood, shifting her weight between her legs as she waited quietly.

"You can go hang out with her, if you don't wanna just stand there like a mannequin." Natsuki suggested, mixing some batter into a bowl by hand.

Monika nodded, slowly climbing up the stairs towards Sayori's room.

"S-Sayori?" Monika knocked on the door, hearing a loud crash on the other side.

Sayori stood, rubbing her head as she picked up her desk chair that had fallen with her.

"C-Come in!" she squeaked.

Monika opened the door, stepping in with her hands clasped behind her back.

"H-Hey." Sayori greeted with a lopsided smile and timid wave.

"Hi." Monika nodded in greeting, blushing softly.

Sayori sat on her bed, patting the area next to her as she bit her lip.

Monika sat down beside her, leaving a bit of space between them.

"So... you play piano?" Sayori asked, trying to break the ice.

"Kind of... I-I'm not that good yet, though." Monika said, glancing down at her lap.

"B-But you sounded so nice!" Sayori blurted.

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