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Chapter 20

(TW: Homophobia and slurs ahead)

Monika arrived home one late November afternoon to find her parents already there.

"Hello mom, dad. I thought you weren't due home for a few more months?" Monika asked hesitantly.

If they were home, that was a good sign something was wrong.

"Monika Everett Park." her father's voice boomed, his hands gripping the arms of his chair tighter as his jaw clenched in anger.

"Yes, dad?" Monika asked, flinching at his harsh tone.

"Young lady, when do you plan to stop playing pretend and stop becoming intimate with other girls?" her mother said, her voice a mix of disgust and disinterest.

"I-I'm not playing, mom." Monika said quietly.

"Yes you are! It's unnatural for two women to feel such a way! So you must be joking." her father said, his eyes silently pleading for her to admit she weren't serious.

Monika just slowly shook her head, the rest of her body frozen with fear and panic.

(Kitty, don't you DARE-)

"Well then..." her mother began with a sigh.

"Go." her father finished the thought simply.

"W-What?" Monika asked quietly, her eyes growing even wider.

"If you want to play around with other girls, perhaps they'll enjoy your company more than us. I don't want to be seen with you if you're going to do such things." her mother explained.

"She's quite right, Monika. If word got out that our own daughter was a.... queer... We'd never live it down! You'd make us a laughing stock!" her father commented.

"B-But I-" Monika was cut off.

"But nothing. You can come home when you decide to stop being so childish and be normal. I won't tolerate a... a dyke living under my roof. Not as long as I'm here." he said in a low voice, almost as if he were doing it against his own wishes, which wasn't the case.

"If you're going to be a- a faggot you can do it without us!" her mother added.

Monika drew a shaky breath.

No... This... This isn't happening...

"You heard us, go!" he yelled.

"W-What about my stuff?" Monika asked.

"You mean the belonging we paid for? The items we let your filthy, ungrateful hands touch?" her mother scoffed, "Those are staying with us."

"B-But Ludwig!" Monika cried as her cat sauntered into view.

"Take your filthy cat. It's probably infected by you as it is." her father shooed Ludwig, nudging him in the ribs with his foot.

Monika swiftly picked the cat up in her arms, a single tear falling down her face.

"I've decided to be nice and let you keep the car. It'll help you get further away from us, and we have plenty." her mother said with a smile, as if that would make any difference after shattering Monika's world.

She raced out of the house with tears clouding her vision.

Where would she go? Would her parents ever let her come back? Who would take her in?

Climbing into her car she tried to call Yuri, receiving only her voicemail.

"Dammit!" Monika screeched, slamming on her brakes as she almost missed a stop sign.

She placed her head against the wheel, sobbing as her cat mewled in the back seat.

The heavy downpour of rain made it nearly impossible for Monika to see, and having a cranky cat in the backseat as well as a whirlwind of vicious thoughts swirling her mind made it difficult for Monika to focus on her driving.

All of this for loving a girl?!

Monika paused at that thought.


Of course! Sayori was just the person she needed right now, the perfect person to comfort her in her time of need.

Without another thought Monika sped towards Sayori's house as fast as she could while staying within the speed limit.

She grabbed Ludwig, slinging her schoolbag over her shoulder as she trudged towards Sayori's door.

Monika knocked, yet heard no sign of someone coming to answer it.

Please don't be asleep, please don't be asleep...

Monika knocked again, this time the door swinging open to reveal a sleepy Sayori in cute mint green pajamas.

"Moni? What're you doing here?" Sayori murmered, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

Monika broke down yet again, sobbing as she clutched her few belongings to her chest (much to Ludwig's dismay of being crushed by his master).

Sayori's eyes widened as she grabbed Monika's wrist, pulling her into the warm house and out of the rain.

"What happened? Monika, what's wrong?" Sayori cupped her face, willing Monika to look at her worried face.

"I-I... T-They... Threw me out..!" Monika hiccuped, leaning into Sayori's gentle touch.

Sayori gasped, wrapping Monika in for a hug.

"I'm sorry, Moni! I'm so sorry!" Sayori whispered, stroking Monika's wet hair as Monika sobbed into her chest.

The items clambered from Monika's arms, Ludwig dashing off while Monika returned the hug twice as strong.

"I-I didn't know... Y-Yuri didn't p-pick up... I-I had n-no where else to g-go.." Monika explained through her fit of hysteria.

"Shh, Moni... It's okay... I've got you.. You can stay as long as you need.." Sayori said softly.

Monika sniffed, taking deep breaths as she calmed herself down.

"Feel a bit better now?" Sayori asked, pulling away to offer Monika a small smile.

Monika nodded, weakly returning the gesture.

"Good. Let me run you a bath. You must be freezing and tired and stressed after that." Sayori said, tugging Monika by the arm towards the bathroom.

Monika stayed silent, watching Sayori prepare her a bubble bath from the corner of the room.

"When I have a bad day, I think a bubble bath is my favourite solution." Sayori giggled as she stood to full height from beside the tub.

"Thank you.. So much..." Monika said, gazing at Sayori with pure adoration.

"It's okay." Sayori turned to leave, only stopping by the hand gripping the back of her shirt.

"Can you stay? Please? I-I just... Can't be alone right now..." Monika asked timidly.

"Y-Yeah. I-I'll be right here." Sayori closed the toilet lid, sitting down to show Monika she had no intention of leaving her.

"Thank you." Monika said quietly.

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