Chapter 18

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A/N: kind of a closure chapter! Again it's quite short but I hope you guys enjoy it!!

H x

***LUKE'S POV***

Me, the lads and Azzy, sat on the chairs outside the doctors room waiting for Ivy's results.

So much shit was running through my head right now.

Everyone was so quiet and we were all worried out of our minds.

I got up and walked to her room for like the sixth time tonight.

"Can I go in yet?" I snapped at the nurse.

She shook her head sadly. "You can't still I'm afraid sir."

I gritted my teeth and then felt Ash pull me back to my seat.

"Just sit down buddy, she's gonna be okay I promise you." He told me as he sat me back down.

"Who would drug her though!" Calum wondered, shaking his head sadly.

"It's pretty low even for Harry" Ash nodded

"That's what I said" I agreed

"I wouldn't put it past him..." Michael added.

We all looked at him.

I got up and walked to Ivy's room for like the seventh time tonight.

"Can I go in yet?"

The nurse glared at me.

****IVY'S POV****

I chewed my lip nervously as my head throbbed and my stomach churned. Whatever the fuck that I had taken was starting to wear off now. I just wanted to cuddle Luke but he wasn't allowed near me until the results had come through.

He'd tried so much, I could hear him outside my door like every 5 minutes. Asking if he could come in yet. It broke my heart!

I was so tempted to just run out but everytime he came near and I heard him, I looked up hopefully and the nurse shook her head at me and stood in front of the door, It was the most painful thing ever! What the fuck was this? Prison?

They'd taken a blood test off me and a urine test. I was so tired and grouchy by now I just wanted to get the hell out of this clean smelling room, I hated the smell of hospitals and the bright lights which were making my headache worse.

I was really really pissed off.

I glared at the nurse.

"Do you want anything love?" The nurse asked me, forcing a smile, sensing I was pretty agitated.

I looked at her. "I want Luke"

She smiled sadly "I can't let him in here I'm afraid sweetheart"

I blinked slowly at her, didn't respond and drank some more water.

After what seemed like forever, and Luke trying to get in my room 3 times more, the Doctor finally came in with a piece of paper.

"Okay Miss Bridges, so you tested positive for Zolpidum. It's one of the most commonly used 'date rape' drugs in the US."

I cringed at the name. Date rape.

"What is it?"

"It's a drug that causes hypnotic like states and blackouts"

Exactly what I had. I gulped.

"You'll be fine. The dose you had wasn't too strong, so you'll be fine, once you feel well enough, you're okay to go home but if you have any unusual symptoms within the next few days you should come back to us right away okay?"

I blinked. That was a weak dose! What the hell was the heavy dose like then!

"Can I see Luke now please"

The doctor nodded "I'll send him in."

Thank fuck!

****LUKE'S POV****

I stood up again and I was about to go straight up to Ivy's door and kick the door down, when the doctor came out, Ash pulled me back down and we all held our breath.

"So Miss Bridges tested positive for Zolpidum. It's basically a drug that causes hypnotic states and blackouts. It's used for people who have trouble sleeping." He sounded like he said this a lot.

"Well is she gonna be okay?" I snapped.

"She's fine, she hadn't taken a high dose so once she feels well enough, she's good to go home but if she experiences any unusual symptoms within the next few days come straight back to us"

"So if she wasn't given a high dose, does that mean someone drugged her on purpose?" Azzy asked

"Yes most likely. With Zolpidum, high or low dose, it's usually given to someone on purpose. It's the most common 'date rape' drug used in the US"

The doctor nodded. "Oh and Luke, she's asked to see you."

Finally I was allowed to see her! I got up and followed him in.

She leapt on me when she saw me and started crying, I ran up to her and held her so tightly.

"Luke I'm so so sorry" she cried

"It's not your fault, it's not your fault" I soothed her and kissed her head. I pulled her so close to me and just wanted to hold her forever. I was so glad she was back in my arms. I swore I would look after her for the rest of her life.

"Are you okay? I was so worried about you" I told her

She nodded "I'm fine now"

"Do you feel okay to go home?"

She nodded again.

"Let's go." I picked her up and she wrapped her arms around my neck. Once we'd got out to the others I put her down and they all hugged her, Azzy especially

"I was so worried babe" she cried.

"I'm okay babe now I promise" she gripped her tightly, both of them sobbing.

After that we were all so tired, none of us could speak, we all just got back into Ash's room and all just collapsed on the bed and fell asleep together. I was holding Ivy so tightly as I never wanted to go through that again. I never wanted her to be in danger like that again. I swore from that moment I was going to protect her, no matter what it took.

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